12. You can view the recording by clicking on button
13. The recording can be saved by clicking on the Diskette icon
You can select the location where you wish to save the recording.
This was a short description of Video Impression 1.6.
See the program’s Help function for more detailed information.
You can view this by clicking on the program’s question mark icon.
The Help function contains information concerning all the program’s functions.
Photo Montage 2000
Photo Montage allows you to make masterpieces from your digital photographs by using digital technology.
Start by selecting a photograph, for example, a portrait photograph.
See this program’s detailed Help function for instructions on how to use this program.
This can be viewed after starting the program by clicking on the question mark in the top right-hand corner of
the program’s window (see “HELP” in figure 30).
Figure 30: Help function of Photo Montage 2000
The Help function contains information concerning all the program’s functions.
10. Maintenance
Use a dry, soft cloth to clean the Trust 350FT PowerC@m Flash.
use a cleaning agent. This will cause irreparable damage to the camera.
Clean the lens using a dry cotton bud.