Burn-Pot mount
Burn-Pot Liner
Burn-Pot and Liner Cleaning:
The Burn-Pot Liner has a number of holes in the bottom and sides that provide combustion air to the pel-
lets. The extreme temperatures in the Burn-Pot can cause the impurities in the pellets to form ash and
clinkers. The liner should be inspected dailly to ensure the holes are clear.
The Burn Pot should be checked/cleaned out after burning about 5 - 10 bags of pellets.
When the stove is cool, open the door then lift up on the Burn Pot Liner to remove. Using a suitable vacuum
clean out the Burn Pot. Or remove the Burn Pot by loosening the nuts on the bottom corners of the Burn
Pot and sliding the Pot towards the back. Lift up at the front of the pot pull it towards the front of the firebox
to remove it from the tubes. Empty the ash from the Burn-Pot and Liner. Scrape the bottom of the pot with a
scraper to remove all ash and clinkers from these surfaces if needed.
Make sure all the holes in the Burn Pot Liner are open. Clean/scrape any hard clinkers out. Clean the holes
with a small pointed object if required
Reinstall the Burn-Pot into the stove by reversing the removal proceedure. , then place the Burn-Pot Liner
back into the Burn-Pot, ensuring that the Ignitor hole is towards the back of the stove. Push the Burn Pot
Liner back in the Burn Pot against the ignitor tube to create a seal for the ignitor. Tighten Burn Pot mounting
Ash Removal and Cleaning:
CAUTION: Do not remove ashes when the stove is operating or hot.
Gently brush ashes into the bottom of the firebox. Remove the ashes with an ash or shop vacuum.
DO NOT USE A STANDARD HOUSEHOLD VACUUM , use an Ash or shop style vacuum with a fine dust
filter installed.
CAUTION: Disposal of Ashes - Ashes should be placed in a metal container with a tight fitting lid. The
closed container should be placed on a non-combustible surface – well away from all combustible materi-
als, pending final disposal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally dispersed, they
should be retained in the closed container until all cinders have been thoroughly cooled.
Inspect Gaskets:
Inspect the condition of the rope gasket around the door, window and ash pan, periodically. If the gasket
becomes loose or falls off, is excessively frayed or has a gap in it, replace as necessary. Inspect the die-cut
gaskets on the blowers when cleaning and replace if they become torn or damaged.
Figure 2: TN40 INSA Burn Pot Mount.
Operating Instructions