Figure 2
Changing the Wave Cone
Each Ghost Home Theater LCR speaker comes with
a straight Wave Cone that is already installed with the
speaker, plus an additional angled Wave Cone set at
25°. These Wave cones are designed to improve
the front soundstage that has always been
a draw back with in-wall Home Theater
The Straight Wave Cone is designed for
Center Channel installation. Figure 2
The angled Wave Cone is set at a 25° for
left and right installations. Figure 2
To change the Wave Cone, first
remove the four outer screws (Figure
3). Before removing the Wave Cone
you will also need to remove the three
screws around the tweeter.
Now pull the tweeter off the Wave Cone and set to the
side, being very careful not to damage the tweeter.
Do not disconnect the wires on the tweeter. Remove
the Wave Cone from the front of the speaker and
replace it with the new Wave Cone. Secure the new
Wave Cone with the four screws and place the
tweeter back on the Cone. There are different screw
holes for the tweeter on the angled and straight Wave
Cones. Make sure that the tweeter sits
properly into place with the tabs on
the Wave Cone before fastening
the tweeter screws. Figure 3
Be very careful with the
tweeter to avoid any
Now the speaker is ready to be
installed into the wall.
Preparation before Speaker Installation
If the home was pre-wired for speakers at
construction time, TruAudio rough-in kits nay have
been used prior to drywall at each speaker location.
(There should also be speaker cable at this location).
After the drywall is installed and the hole is cut, the
speaker is then easily installed. Once the hole is cut
in the drywall, the pre-wired speaker cable should be
in the wall near the hole. If rough-in speaker rings
were used, move on to “Speaker Installation”.
If the speaker hole has not been cut from the
drywall please read the following instructions:
Find the location to where the speaker
wire was pre-wired to. Check the area
for obstructions such as plumbing,
heating ducts or electrical wiring.
Locate the wood studs or joists nearest
the desired location and make sure they
will not interfere with speaker location.
Use the supplied speaker cutout to get
the recommended dimension of the
hole needed for that particular
speaker. Position the cutout in the
desired location and outline the
speaker opening to be cut. If you are
not sure of possible obstructions, cut a small hole in
the center of your outline. This will allow you to check
for obstructions. If there are no problems with your
mounting location, proceed and cutout the outlined
hole. At this point, you should be able to see or find
the speaker cable. Pull the cable through the hole.
If the wall is not insulated, we suggest using TruAudio
model FE-24, an in-wall foam enclosure that will
greatly improve the speakers sound. Other
options for sound dampening material
would include typical insulation or
Dacron. If this material has a
foil layer, position the foil away
from the speaker magnet.
Speaker Installation
These speakers are mono so you will
need two speakers for stereo sound, one
for the right channel and one for the left. There
should be a two conductor speaker cable pre-wired to
each of the speaker locations. Make sure you find
each of the speaker cables and pull them though the
cut speaker holes.
Remove the speaker from the box and inspect for any
damage. If there is any damage, contact TruAudio
immediately at 888-858-1555.
Figure 3