The motor housing indicator lights provide feedback for different situations.
Battery Life During Use:
As the motor housing is used and the battery begins to drain during performance, the indicator lights will extinguish in sequence from
the top to the bottom to indicate how much battery capacity is left.
66% to 100% of capacity: Lights 1, 2 and 3 will all be illuminated
33% to 65% of capacity: Lights 1 & 2 will be illuminated
20% to 32% of capacity: Light 1 will be illuminated
If < 20% of capacity: Light 1 flashes and the unit needs to be charged
Charging Indication:
Indicator lights will also provide feedback during the charging process:
If battery capacity is less than 33%, Lights 1, 2 and 3 will flash while charging.
If battery capacity is within 33%-65%, Light 1 will illuminate solid and Lights 2 and 3 will flash.
If battery capacity is within 66%-99%, Lights 1 and 2 will illuminate solid and only Light 3 will flash.
If battery capacity is greater than 99%, Lights 1, 2 and 3 will illuminate solid.
Overloading Indication:
Note: The motor housing has an automatic protection system that will not allow overloading. If the load is too large, the unit will
automatically shut off. If the unit senses an overload situation, all 3 lights will flash 5 times and the unit will turn Off. Release the speed
button and the lights will turn off. Reduce the load on the blender or the chopper, allow it to rest for more than 15 minutes and then
resume use.
Do not expose a battery pack or appliance to fire or excessive heat. Exposure to fire or temperatures above 265°F/130°C may cause an