Getting Started
Parts of a
Help Screen
To start a file for a new weighing session:
To record an animal ID and weight:
To view all recorded data from the weighing session:
To view statistics:
To enable an option in a setup screen:
To view on-screen help:
1. Press
to go to the List of Files screen.
2. Select an empty file.
3. Press
The file Start Date is entered automatically when the first weight is recorded.
1. Press
to zero the scales, if required.
2. Move the animal onto the platform.
3. Enter an ID using the keypad. Press
If the animal has not been weighed before, a dialogue box appears.
4. Select ‘Create a new life data record’. Press
5. Enter other data, if required.
6. Press
when ready to record the displayed weight.
7. Repeat for each new animal.
to view weights and other data recorded in the weighing session.
to view a summary of numerical data, for example, average weight, maximum
weight and the number of file data fields recorded in the file.
1. Place the cursor on the option you want
to enable or disable.
2. Press
3. Select an option using the arrow keys.
4. Press
Find out about any field, screen or feature, using the on-screen help.
1. Place the cursor on the field you want to find information about.
2. Press .
A help screen is displayed about the field you are on.
3. If required, move the cursor to a link and press .
Select link, then
to see a
step-by-step guide
Select link, then press
to see a
list of help topics.
Use arrow keys to scroll up and
down the list.
Select a word and press
Select link, then press
to see
more information about the
screen you are in
Select link, then
to see a
handy tip about
this feature
To change
quickly, select
and press
To change
quickly, select
and press