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Содержание Horse 60TP

Страница 1: ...ablelocalorstate laws if any If a sparkarresteris used it shouldbemaintainedineffectiveworkingorderby the operator Inthe Stateof Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw Section4442of the CaliforniaPuNicResources Code Otherstatesmayhavesimilarlaws Federallawsapplyonfederallands A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyournearestengineauthorizedservicedealeror contactthe servicedepartment RO B...

Страница 2: ...mer Support Department or an authorizedservice dealer Modem Number Seriam Number 0 TR _H_ T_ TROY BiLT LLC P O BOX 361131 www troybiit com CLEVELAND ON 44136 338 558 7228 856 848 6483_ Customer Support P_ease do NOTreturn the unitto the retai_er from which it was purchased without first contacting Customer Support if you havedifficulty assemblingthis product or haveany questions regarding the cont...

Страница 3: ...tely 2 feet A riding r could overturnand cause serious injury if operatinga walb behind mower on such a dope it is extremely footing and you could dip resultingin serious injury Operate RiDiNG mowers up and down dopes neveracross the face of dopes Operate WALK BEHIND mowers across the face of dopes never up and down slopes 3 ...

Страница 4: ...oma hot muffler h Removekeywhen machineis unattendedto preventunauthorized operation 2 Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsoldto operate the machine Children14 earsoldandovershould readandunderstand the operationinstructionsand safetyrubs inthis manualandshouldbetrainedand supervisedbya parent Operation Safe Handling of Gasoline 1 Toavoid personal injuryor property damage use extreme care in handlinggas...

Страница 5: ...8 Disengageblade s beforeshiftinginto reverse Backupslowly Alwayslookdownandbehindbefore andwhilebackingto avoida back overaccident 19 Slowdownbeforeturning Operatethe machine smoothly Avoiderraticoperationandexcessive instructionswh ch if not followed could endanger the personal safety and or property of yourself and others Read and followall instructionsin this man ual before attemptingto operat...

Страница 6: ...hineto liftand rapidlyfib overbackwards whichcouldcauseseriousinjury 7 Avoidstartingor stoppingon a slope If tireslose traction disengagethe blade s andproceedslowly straightdownthe slope Do Not 1 Do notturn onslopesunlessnecessary then turn slowlyandgraduallydownhill if possibb 2 Do not mowneardrop offs ditchesor embankments The mowercouldsuddenlyturnoverif awheel is over the edgeof acliff ditch ...

Страница 7: ...bolts andscrewstight to besurethe equipmentis insafeworkingcondition 8 Nevertamperwiththe safetyinterlocksystemor other safetydevices Checktheir properoperationregularly 9 Afterstrikinga foreignobiect stopthe engine disconnectthe sparkplugwire s and groundagainst the engine Thoroughlyinspectthe machinefor any damage Repairthe damagebeforestartingand operating machinewhile theengineis running 11 Gr...

Страница 8: ...ractor Securebatterybackontothe tractorwiththe hold downstrap Reattachthe positivecable heavyred wire to the positivebatteryterminal withthe bolt andnut Makecertainthatthe rubberbootcoversthe terminalto helpprotectit fromcorrosion Removethehex bolt andhexnut fromthe negative cable Removetheblackplasticcover if present fromthe negativebatteryterminalandattachthe negative cable heavyblackwire to the...

Страница 9: ...gbracewithyourright handby graspingit betweenyourthumbandindexfingerand rotatingit clockwise Figure 2 WARNING The shipping brace used for packaging purposes only must be removed and dis carded before operating your riding mower WARNING The mowing deck is capable of throwing objects Fail ure to operate the riding mower without the discharge cover in the proper operating position could result in ser...

Страница 10: ...uiseControISutton B SystemslndicatorMonitor HourMeter I ignitionSwitchModule C ChokeKnob J BrakePedal D ParkingBrakeButton K DrivePedal E ShiftLever L DeckLift Lever F Cup Holder M SeatAdiustmentLever G Throttb Lever NOTE Anyreferencein thismanualto the RIGHTor LEFTside of the tractoris observedfromoperator sposition J 10 ...

Страница 11: ...rtthe keyintothe ignitionswitch andturnclockwiseto theSTARTposition Rebasethe keyintothe NORMALMOWINGMODEpositiononce the enginehasfired Tostopthe engine turnthe ignitionkeycounterclockwise to the OFFposition SeeFigure5 Slow Position _ Figure 4 _osition Normal _MowingMode Start Position Figure 5 IMPORTANT Priorto operatingthe tractor referto both Safety hterlock Switches on page13andStarting The E...

Страница 12: ...xpires changethe crankcaseoil levelas instructedin this Operator sManual Brake If the Brakelightilluminateswhenattemptingto start the tractor sengine depressthe brakepedal PTO Blade Engage if the PTOlightilluminateswhenattemptingto start the tractor sengine pushPTOknobinto thedisengaged OFF position OH it is normalforthe Oil lightto illuminatewhile theengine is cranking duringstart up but if it il...

Страница 13: ...whenmovingthe shift lever IMPORTANT Neverforcethe shift lever Doingso mayresultin seriousdamageto the tractor s transmission uu _ Thistractoris equippedwith asafetyinterlocksystem for the protectionof the operator Ifthe interlocksystem shouldevermalfunction do notoperatethe tractor Contactan authorized MTDservicedealer The safetyinterlocksystempreventsthe engine fromcrankingor startingunlessthe pa...


Страница 15: ...ine Thoroughly inspect the machine for any damage Repair the damage before restarting and operating WARNING 1 Ifthe bladesareengaged placethe PTO Blade Engage knob inthe disengaged OFF position 2 Turnthe ignitionkeycounterclockwise to the STOP position 3 Removethe keyfromthe ignitionswitchto prevent unintendedstarting Referto Leveling the Deck on page18of thismanual for moredetailedinstructionsreg...

Страница 16: achieved 2 Lightlydepressthe cruisecontrolbutton 3 While continuingto holdthe cruisebuttonin liftyour footfromthedrive pedal youshouldfeel thecruise latchengage Onceengaged thecruisecontrolbuttonand thedrive pedalwill lockin the down position and thetractorwill maintainthe sameforwardspeed NOTE Cruisecontrolcan not beengagedat the tractor s fastestgroundspeed If theoperatorshouldattemptto do so...

Страница 17: Neverattemptto mulchif the lawnis damp Wetgrass tendsto stickto the undersideof the cuttingdeck preventingpropermulchingof the c pings Do NOTattemptto mulchmorethan 1 3the total heightof thegrassor approximately 14 2 inches Doingso will causethe clippingsto clumpup beneath the deckandnot bemulchedeffectively Figure 8 Maintaina slowgroundspeedto allowthegrass clippingsmoretimeto effectivelybemul...

Страница 18: ...eck 5 Retightenthe two locknutsagainstthe innerhexnuts whenproperadiustmentis achieved Side to Side if thecutting deckappearsto bemowingunevenly aside to sideadiustmentcan beperformed Adiustif necessary as follows 1 Withthetractor parkedona firm levelsurface place the deckliftleverin the top notch highestposition androtatebothbladesso thattheyare perpendicular withthe tractor 2 Measurethe distance...

Страница 19: ...the tractor Steering Adjustment if the tractorturnstighterinonedirectionthan theother or if the balliointsarebeingreplaceddueto damageor wear the steeringdraglinksmayneedto beadiusted Adiustthedraglinksso thatequalbngthsare threaded into the balliointon the leftandright side 1 Loosentheiam nut foundonthe draglinkat the rear of the ballioint SeeFigure12 2 Removehex nuton the topof ballioint SeeFigu...

Страница 20: ...edwithyour unit IMPORTANT Referto the KohlerOperator Owner Manualpackedwithyourunit for informationregardingthe quantityand properweightof motoroil Air Cleaner Servicethe pre cbaner if so equipped andcartridge air cbaner elementas instructedin the KohbrOperator OwnerManualpackedwithyour unit Spark PJug s Thesparkplug s shouldbecleanedandthe gapreset oncea season Sparkplugreplacementis recommended ...

Страница 21: ...adeEngage intothe OFF position 11 Turnthe ignitionkeyto the STOPpositionto turn the tractor sengineoff andengagethe parkingbrake 12 Turnthe wateroff anddetachthe hosecouplerfrom the waterport onyourdeckssurface 13 Repeatsteps4 11 on theoppositeside of thecutting deck Cutting Deck Remova_ Toremovethe cuttingdeck proceedas follows 1 Placethe PTO BladeEngage knobinthe disen gaged OFF positionandengag...

Страница 22: ...eversingthemcould changethe polarityandresultindamageto your engine salternat ingsystem Charging If thetractor hasnot beenput into usefor anextended periodof time chargethe batterywith anautomotive type 12 volt chargerfor a minimumof one hour at six ampe WARNING Batteries give off an explosive gas while charging Charge battery in a well venti lated area and keep away from an open flame or pilot li...

Страница 23: ...tionand maycausedamageto thetractorand resultinpersonalinjury The bladecan betestedby balancingit ona roundshaftscrewdriver Grindmetal fromthe heavysideuntil it balancesevenly Whenreplacingthe blade be sureto installthe blade withthe sideof the blademarked Bottom orwith a part numberstampedin it facingthe groundwhen the moweris inthe operatingposition IMPORTANT Usea torquewrenchto tightenthe blade...

Страница 24: ...g or between the belt and a pulley while removing the belt Changing the Deck Be_t PTO Be_t WARNING Be sure to shut the engine off remove ignition key disconnect the spark plug wire s and ground against the engine to prevent unintended starting before removing the belt s Allbeltson yourtractorare subiectto wearandshould bereplacedif anysignsof weararepresent IMPORTANT The V beltsfoundon yourtractor...

Страница 25: ...Figure 19 J 25 ...

Страница 26: ...gattachments andaccessoriesare compatiblefor Model60TPHorseLawnTractors Seethe retailer fromwhichyou purchased your tractor an authorized TroyBiltServiceDealeror phone1 866 840 6483 for informa tion regardingpriceandavailability NOTE Model60TPLawnTractorsare NOTdesignedfor use withany typeof ground_engaging attachments e g filleror plow Useofthis typeof equipmentWILLvoid thetractor swarranty MODEL...

Страница 27: ...iiiii_i_iii_ii_i_i_ii_iii_iW_i_ _ _ _i_ii_i_iiiii_iiiii_iH i_i_ iiiiiiii _and instructions 27 ...

Страница 28: ...dirt infuel system 6 Dirty aircbaner Remedy 1 PlacePTOknob orlever in 1 PushCHOKEcontrol if so equipped in or movethe throttle controlout of the CHOKEposition 2 Connectand tightenspark plugwire s 3 Cban fuel line fill tank withclean fresh lessthan30 daysold gasoline Replacefuel filter if so equipped 4 Char ventor replaceif damaged 5 Drainfuel tank Refillwith freshfuel 6 Replaceaircleanercartridge ...

Страница 29: ... equipped Excessive Vibration Uneven cut 1 Cuttingbladelooseor unbalanced 2 Damaged or bentcutting blade 1 Decknot balancedproperly 2 Dullblade 3 Uneventire pressure 1 Tightenbladeandspindle Balanc blade 2 Replaceblade 1 Performside to sidedeckadiust ment 2 Sharpenor replaceblade 3 Checktire pressureinall fourtires For repairs beyond the minor adjust ments listed here contact an authorized service...

Страница 30: ...Model 60TP Models w Quick Adjust Seat Modelsw Manually AdjustingSeat i t_ iii _ii_ii_ i 3O ...

Страница 31: ...upHolder 29 736 3078 Washer Flat 344x 1 0x 063 Ref Part No Description No 30 783 04333A Fender 31 783 0677B Adiust Brkt Lift 32 783 1489B MountingBracket Seat 33 710_0227 Screw 8_18 x 50 34 726_0279 Plate Insulator 35 725 1303 SpringSwitch Outer 36 725 1439 SpringSwitch inner 37 726 0278 Plate InsulatorBoss 38 683_04079 ShaftAssembly Lift 39 712 04065 Nut FlangeLock 3 8 16 GrF 40 714 0104 Pin Cott...

Страница 32: ...Model 80TP 32 ...

Страница 33: ...4 25 19 741 0475 PlasticBushing 3801D 20 738 0143 Screw Shoulder 498x 340 21 783 0726E PivotBracket SupportRH 22 783 0727D PivotBracket SupportLH 23 783 0728 PivotBracket Bar 24 631 04008 SteeringWheel 25 731 04681 SteeringWheeICap 26 738 04128 ShoulderScrew 5 x 2 380 3 8 16 27 734 2290A DeluxeRubCap 28 736 0316 FlatWasher 78x 1 589x 06 29 714 04039 CotterPin 5 32x 1 25 30 719 04105 Cast IronPivot...

Страница 34: ...Model 60TP 34 ...

Страница 35: ... 75 TrussPhillipsScrew 8 32x 375 HexNut 8 32 ThrottleControlKnob No 20 731 05005B 21 731 04215 22 731 04217 23 747 04161 24 747 1196 25 629 04083t 26 725 04036B 27 783 04908 28 710 0642 29 783 04909 30 725 0963 31 736 0270 32 710q611B 33 725 1649 34 725 04227A 35 725 1745 725 1744 36 725 1752 725 043361 t NotShown DashPanel CruiseControlButton ParkingBrakeButton TankSupportRod Brake Cruise PivotRo...

Страница 36: ...Model 60TP Left Hand Transmission Bolt Mounting B 36 ...

Страница 37: ...5OD 41 783 04283 Bracket Shift Ref Part No Description No 42 783 04360 Bracket Shift F N R 43 783 04442 Idler Bracket CenterDouble 44 647 0031B ControlAssembly Brake 45 647 0032A ControlAssembly Speed 46 683 0266 PedalAssembly 47 710 0650 Screw 5 16 18 0 875 48 710q260A Screw 5 16q8 0 750 49 710q611B Screw 5 16 18 0 750 50 711 04159B Pin 3 8 16x2 68 51 731 2290A Hub Cap 52 732 0335 Spring Compress...

Страница 38: ...0 1652 Screw 1 4 20 625 87 718 04012 Cup Bearing 88 736 0362 Washer Flat 89 741 0600 BallBearing 90 736 0119 LockWasher 5 16 91 736 0242 Washer Bell 340x 872x 060 92 712 04065 Nut FlangeLock 3 8 16 GrF 93 714 0507 Pin Cotter 3 32x 750 94 736 0430 FlatWasher 350x 1 59x 062 95 634 0177 WheelAssyComp 20x 10x 8 734 1873 Tire Only20 x lOx 8 634 0222 RimOnly w Valve Stem 96 736 3010 FlatWasher 407x 812x...

Страница 39: ...crew3 8 16x 1 00 ExhaustPipe LH Oil DrainExtensionHose HoseClamp CaNeTie TwinHeatShield Ref No 12 751 3140 13 751 10349 14 751 0564B 15 751 10161 16 751 10006 17 710 0642 18 728 04000 19 751 10353 20 683 04256 21 712 3005 22 736 0300 Part No Description Oil DrainValve FuelLineHose MufflerDeflector Muffler ExhaustPipe RH Screw 1 4 20 x 750 PopRivet LongMufflerDeflector MufflerShMd FlangeLockNut 3 8...

Страница 40: ...Model 60TP I 40 ...

Страница 41: ...10 0703 Screw Carriage 1 4 20 75 Gr5 12 712 0271 Nut Seres 1 4 20 13 736 0171 LockWasher 7 16 14 725 1750A Battery 235CCA 15 725 1428A Solenoid 12V 100Amp 16 683 04173 FrameAssembly Lower 17 710 0607 Screw 5 16 18 0 500 18 710 0842 Screw 1 4 20 0 750 19 710 3005 Screw 3 8 16 1 25 Gr5 20 712 04064 Nut Range Lock 1 4 20 GrF 21 710 0599 Screw 1 4 20 0 50 22 732 04035 Spring Compr 1 28OD x 3 125 23 73...

Страница 42: ...Model 60TP 42 ...

Страница 43: ...5 717 04056 424oothBeveIGear 16 718 04045 ClutchCollar 17 711 04134 DriveShaft 18 736 0495 ThrustWasher 1 0x 632x O 736 0494 FlatWasher 632x 1 00x 035 19 741 0337 FlangeBearing 5 8 x 3 4 x 15 16 20 611 0011 DetentShaftAssembly 21 741 0862 DetentBall 22 732 0863 Compression Spring 23 719 04018 LowerHousing 24 717 0678 BrakePuck 25 761 0202 BrakeDisc 26 710q206 Self4appingScrew 1 4 20x 2 375 27 661 ...

Страница 44: ...Model 60TP J Deck Lift Spring Attach to RH Lift _ Arm 44 ...

Страница 45: ... Extension 94x6 74 Ref Part No Description No 29 734 04155 DeckWheel 5 0 30 734 0973 DeckWheel 5 0 31 738 0119 Washer Lock 5 16 RegularDuty 32 738 0407 Washer Bell 45 x 1 0x 062 33 736 0406 Washer Flat 442 x 1 38x 060 34 737 3000 Fitting Lube 3 16 35 738 0373 ShoulderScrew 36 738 3005A Screw Shoulder 68x1 59 37 742 04053A Blade 38 747 1116 Rod DeckRelease 375 Dia 39 738 04146 ScrewPlug M16x 1 5 40...

Страница 46: ...Use this page to make notes andwritedown important information 46 ...

Страница 47: ...edfor thewarranty period statedabove If thepart fails duringthe periodof warrantycoverage the partwill be repairedor replacedby MTDConsumerGroupInc accordingto subsection 4 below Anysuch part repairedor replacedunderwarrantywill be warrantedfor the remainderof the period 2 Anywarrantedpart that is scheduledonly for regularinspectioninthe writteninstructionssuppliedis warrantedfor thewarranty perio...

Страница 48: ...ldeteriorationof the exteriorfinish dueto use orexposure d Servicecompletedbysomeoneotherthananauthorizedservice dealer e Troy_Bilt doesnot extendanywarrantyfor productssold or exportedoutsideof the UnitedStates its possessions and territories exceptthosesold throughTroy_Bilt s authorized channelsof exportdistribution f Replacement partsthatare notgenuineTroy_Bilt parts g Transportation chargesand...
