Section 4: Operation
Power composting simply means tilling
under and burying in the soil all manner
of organic matter such as crop residues,
leaves, grass clippings and cover crops.
This material will decompose during the
non-growing season and add important
natural nutrients to the soil.
The first place to begin is with crop
residues such as leftover vines, stalks,
stems and roots. Power compost these
crop residues as soon as they finish
bearing. The sooner this is done, the
better, as tender green matter is easier to
till under. Use the deepest depth
regulator setting possible without causing
the engine to labor or the tiller to jump
• Ramps must be strong enough to
support the combined weight of the tiller
and any handlers. The ramps should
provide good traction to prevent
slipping; they should have side rails to
guide the tiller along the ramps; and they
should have a locking device to secure
them to the vehicle.
• The handlers should wear sturdy
footwear that will help to prevent
• Position the loading vehicle so that the
ramp angle is as flat as possible (the
less incline to the ramp, the better).
Turn the vehicle’s engine off and apply
its parking brake.
• When going up ramps, stand in the
normal operating position and push the
tiller ahead of you. Have a person at
each side to turn the wheels.
• When going down ramps, walk
backward with the tiller following you.
Keep alert for any obstacles behind you.
Position a person at each wheel to
control the speed of the tiller. Never go
down ramps tiller-first, as the tiller could
tip forward.
• Use wooden blocks to place on the
downhill side of the wheels if you need
to stop the tiller from rolling down the
ramp. Also, use the blocks to temporar-
ily keep the tiller in place on the ramps
(if necessary), and to chock the wheels
in place after the tiller is in the vehicle.
• When the tiller is in the vehicle, prevent
it from rolling by engaging the wheels in
the wheel drive position (put Wheel Gear
Lever in ENGAGE). Chock the wheels
with blocks and securely tie the tiller
Standing cornstalks of reasonable height
can be power composted. Pushing over
(but not uprooting) cornstalks will often
make it easier for your tiller to chop up
the stalks. Keep the tines clear of
excessive tangling by “fishtailing” or fre-
quently using reverse. Make several
passes, then return a few days later to
finish off any remaining stubble.
After tilling under crop residues, add more
organic matter such as leaves, grass
clippings and even kitchen scraps. When
tilled into the soil, this organic matter will
decompose and add even more important
nutrients to the soil.
After power composting, you may want to
plant a “green manure” cover crop to
protect the soil during the off-season.
You simply grow a crop of clover, alfalfa,
buckwheat, peas, beans, rye grass, grain,
or kale and then till it into the soil prior to
the planting season.
• Before loading or unloading, stop the
engine, wait for all parts to stop moving,
disconnect the spark plug wire and let
the engine and muffler cool.
• The tiller is too heavy and bulky to lift
safely by one person. Two or more
people should share the load.
• Use sturdy ramps and manually (engine
shut off) roll the tiller into and out of the
vehicle. Two or more people are needed
to do this.
Loading and unloading the
tiller into a vehicle is poten-
tially hazardous and we don’t
recommend doing so unless
absolutely necessary, as this
could result in personal
injury or property damage.
However, if you must load or
unload the tiller, follow the
guidelines given next.
When power composting, do
not keep the Depth Regulator
Lever at a deep setting if the
tiller jumps or bucks.
If jumping or bucking occurs,
move the Depth Regulator
Lever down to one of the
shallower settings and then
slowly increase the tilling
depth on later passes.
Failure to comply could
result in loss of tiller control,
property damage or personal
Before tilling, contact your
telephone or utilities
company and inquire if
underground equipment or
lines are used in your area.
Their representative will be
glad to answer your
questions and tell you if any
of their equipment or lines
are buried underground on
your property.