General information
Note for assembly:
For room heights up to 4 m (lower edge of
suspended ceiling)
Flush ceiling installation
Fix the product only to load-bearing structural
Load suspension systems only with the weight
of the product. Adjacent components and con-
necting ducts must be supported separately.
The air terminal devices must remain acces-
sible for cleaning even after installation.
Installation and sealing material which the
manufacturer provides is usually supplied in an
extra bag.
Protecting the product from contamina-
Before you install the product, take suitable pre-
cautions to protect air distribution components
from contamination during installation (VDI 6022).
If this is not possible, at least cover the product
or take other precautions to protect it from con-
tamination. In this case you have to ensure that
the product cannot be started. Ensure that all
components are clean before you install them.
If necessary, clean them thoroughly. If you have
to interrupt the installation procedure, protect all
openings from the ingress of dust or moisture.
Installation in ceiling systems
Installation in T-bar ceilings
P + 7
Fig. 2: Slot diffuser with extended border
Length of installation opening with end angle:
L1 + 29 mm
Installation in continuous ceilings
P - 12
Fig. 3: Slot diffuser with extended border
Length of installation opening with end angle: L1 + 7 mm
Installation in panelled ceilings
M + 2
Fig. 4: Slot diffuser without extended border
Length of installation opening with end plate: L1 + 7 mm
Air terminal devices Slot diffusers PURELINE18