Reinigung der Spiegel #2 und #3
1. For cleaning of mirrors #2 and #3, you must first remove the right
maintenance panel.
2. Do not remove the mirror #2. It must remain in the machine for cleaning.
3. The mirror #3 is attached by means of two Allen screws (1), which are
located on the mirror holder. Open the screws and remove the lens
holder together with the mirror.
Do not touch the milled screws (2) while doing this!
Figure 6: SpiMirror #3
4. Flush the mirror with cleaning liquid to wash away coarse soiling.
5. Put some cleaning liquid onto the mirror and leave the liquid for 1
minute to take effect.
6. Soak a cleaning tissue with cleaning liquid and carefully wipe off the
7. Now carefully put back the mirror and fixate it with the two Allen screws.
Reinigung des Spiegels #4
1. While holding the mirror, loosen the two knurled screws (1) and lift the mirror
from the mirror holder.
Make sure that the mirror does not grind over the mirror holder,
as it can be scratched very easily.
2. Flush the mirror with cleaning liquid to wash away coarse soiling.
3. Put some cleaning liquid onto the mirror and leave the liquid for 1 minute to
take effect.
4. Soak a cleaning tissue with cleaning liquid and carefully wipe off the surface.
5. Now carefully re-insert the mirror and fixate it with the two knurled screws.
Figure 7: Mirror #4
Ultrasonic sensor (Option Sonar Technology
The sensor can be cleaned either with a brush, or be wiped drily, with moisture or with mild detergents and a
microfiber or anti-statics cloth. In case of stronger soiling, isopropyl or ethanol solution can be used.
Avoid long application time and long-term usage.
ENGLISH (Translation)