Then slide the sleeve over the connection.
Repeat the process with the remaining 3
stringer elements, from bottom to top.
Especially at the beginning you have to
practice a bit until you find the right way.
But then it is surprisingly easy. The
gratitude is an extremely stiff and strong
connection that contributes a lot to the
performance of your folding kayak.
4) Installation of the coaming
For the coaming you need:
2x bent coaming rod
(with D-rings
4x straight coaming rod
(2 of them with D-rings)
Connect one of the bent rods with one of
the straight rods with D-ring.
Insert these with the bend part ahead into
the coaming channel. And that into the
part with the largest gap in the rear third
(see the left picture).
Then slide this first half of the coaming
through the channel to the front.
Especially at the first assembly you have
to make sure, that the rod runs through
the channel.