How do I know if my TriTerra Kaihon is charged?
When charging your TriTerra Kaihon you will no�ce a ba�ery segment blinking in
the display. This indicates the current charge status. Once your TriTerra Kaihon is
fully charged, all the ba�ery segments will be lit and remain solid. As long as
there is more power going into the TriTerra Kaihon than is being pulled from the
output ports, the display will also indicate an es�mated �me un�l fully charged.
How long will the Kaihon run my device?
All Kaihon Power Sta�ons have a number in their name, ie. Kaihon1000. These
numbers refer to the Wa� Hours (Wh), or the amount of energy that can be
stored in each ba�ery, and can help es�mate how long your gear will run from
the power sta�on. For example, a 1000Wh ba�ery should run a 100W light for
10 hours (1000/100=10). When you’re deciding on what to power from the
Kaihon Power Sta�on, it’s helpful to look into your device’s wa�age consump
What does the display do for me?
Your Kaihon is the only Power Sta�on offering touch screen in the market, which
gives you an intui�ve user experience to interact with the device. The display
shows the opera�on status of the device, and reflects the amount of power in
and out, as well as the �me to be energy full and �me to be energy drawn. In
addi�on, you can control every individual socket on/off by clicking the socket
bu�ons on the touch screen, and turn on/off the scheduler for power charging.
You can also connect your mobile device through the interac�on with the touch
screen . For more details, you may look at the user manual.
Can I take my Kaihon on a plane?
No. Under FAA regula�ons you are not allowed to take any ba�ery exceeding
100Wh on a plane. For the most up to date informa�on visit FAA Pack Safe.
Can I recharge my Kaihon through the 12V Car Charge port?
No, the TriTerra Kaihon is not compa�ble with recharging from a 12V source, it
can result in damage to the unit, cable, as well as your vehicle.
Frequently Asked Ques�on