Users’ Manual
Uplift pressure measurement system
Page 3-4
Rev. 0 Cable connection:
The leads from the coil magnet are terminated on a glass to metal seal which is integrally electron beam
welded to the stainless steel body of the uplift pressure meter. The two pins marked red and black are
connected to the coil magnet. The other two pins are free and may be used in case a thermister is re-
quired for measurement of temperature. A cable joint housing and cable gland is provided for the cable
connection. For cable jointing, refer to Users Manual 6002.11/Rev 03/98.
T akin g read in g s w it h t h e m o d el T ES- D I- 51V v ib rat in g w ire in d icat o r
The model TES-DI-51V vibrating wire indicator is a microprocessor based read-out unit for use with
TRITECH’s range of vibrating wire transducers. It can display the measured frequency in terms of time
period, frequency, frequency squared or the value of the measured parameter directly in proper engineer-
ing units.
The TES-DI-51V indicator can store calibration coefficients of up to 100 vibrating wire transducers so that
the value of the measured parameter from these transducers can be shown directly in proper engineering
The indicator has an internal non-volatile memory with sufficient capacity to store about 720 readings from
any of the 100 programmed transducers in any combination. You can store either 720 readings from any
one transducer or 7 sets of readings from all 100 transducers. Each reading is stamped with the date and
time the measurement was taken.
The calibration coefficients are given in the individual
provided with each trans-
ducer. Refer to the model TES-DI-51V instruction manual WI-6002.26 for entering the transducer calibra-
tion coefficients. The gage factor and the factory zero reading (frequency) can directly be taken from the
test certificate for setting up transducer coefficients in the read-out unit.
The test certificate also gives the factory zero reading in frequency
for use with transducers provided with
polynomial linearity correction. For polynomial linearity correction pressure is calculated by the following
= A(R1)² + B(R1)² + C (kg/cm²)
= pressure in engineering unit
= current reading in digits during observation
A, B, C = polynomial constants
The polynomial constants are stored in the model TES-DI-51V memory to give linearity corrected data of
the parameter in engineering units. For more details refer to the instruction manual WI-6002.26 of the
model TES-DI-51V
For transducers with a built in interchangeable thermistor, the model TES-DI-51V can also display and
record the temperature of the transducer directly in degree Centigrade. All TRITECH vibrating wire sen-
sors, excepting the temperature sensors have a thermistor incorporated in them for temperature meas-
The stored readings can either be uploaded to a host computer using the serial interface or can be printed
out on any text printer equipped with a RS-232C serial communications interface. The setup information
(calibration coefficients) for all the channels can also be printed out for verification.
An internal 6V rechargeable sealed maintenance free battery is used to provide power to the indicator. A
fully charged new battery provides nearly 60 hours of operation on a single charge. A separate battery
charger is provided with the TES-DI-51V indicator to charge the internal battery from 230 V AC mains.