Altimeter Product Manual
0286-SOM-00001, Issue: 09
© Tritech International Ltd.
1. Specification
1.1. Notes on Specifications
The specifications outlined below are for standard altimeters fitted with
Tritech International
6-pin connectors and are the most common variant of altimeter supplied by
International Ltd
. There are a large variety of options available in terms of connectors and it
is outwith the scope of this manual to cover every configuration possible.
Other connectors that have been supplied include:
• Burton Seaconn 1508
• Branter SeaCon XSG-4/XSG-5
• Subconn:
• BH4-F
• BH6-M
• BH8-M
• IL6-FS
For each of the above a variety of wiring schemes has been used and so it will be necessary
to contact
Tritech International Ltd
for a detailed description of the product supplied (provided
serial numbers are available). Additionally, the list is not exhaustive and there may be special
items or other connectors that are not included.
1.2. Dimensions
Tritech International Ltd
reserve the right to change, modify and update designs
and specifications as part of their ongoing product development program.