1. Features ....…………………................ 2
2. Introduction …………………................ 4
3. Warnings and Cautions ....................... 4
4. Specifications .................................. 5
5. Control Locations ............................. 8
6. Getting Started ................................. 9
7. Detailed Operation ............................ 10
8. Included Items ................................ 18
9. Maintenance ................................... 21
10. Warranty ...................................... 22
• 8-Way Mapper
• 8 BNC Remotes included (can connect directly to BNC cables)
• Male to Male BNC Adaptor included
• 8 F Remotes included (can connect directly to Cable TV F cables)
• Male BNC to Female F Adaptor included
• Male F to Male F Adaptor included
• 8 RJ11/RJ45 Remotes included (can connect to telephone or
LAN cables)
• Male BNC to RJ11/RJ45 Adaptor inlcuded
• Female/Female RJ11and Female/Female RJ45 Coupler included
• 8 Clip Lead Remotes included (can connect to any pair of wires)
• Male BNC to Clip Lead Adaptor included