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Adverse Reaction
Due to a drastic change in muscle tissues, which leads to a sudden removal of waste products
(detoxification), some people may (rarely) experience certain adverse reaction such as nausea,
fatigue, drowsiness, and a temporary flu-like feeling. Those feelings generally show up after first
couple treatments and last from 4 to 24 hours. If those reactions last after couple treatments,
stop the treatment and consult with your physician.
How to Make a Valid Treatment
Treatment efficacy is highly depending on whether the biostimulation could be penetrated into
injured area or not. Placement and body impedance will greatly affect the penetration. Simply
follow the steps to make a valid treatment.
Step 1: Selecting device placement position:
Rule One: Follow App to lookup device placement. If not found or no effect after couple
treatments, refer to Rule Two.
Rule Two: Follow the bilateral rule to (acute) pain area, either upper or down, front or
back, and left or right. Avoid directly on bone and thick fat.
Rule 3: If there were no effect in one position after couple treatments, follow the Rule
Two to re-place device to another position.
Some examples are illustrated as below. Rather than placing both stimulators in one side that
causes the biostimulation pass over pain area, placing one in upper front and the other in
down back, or upper front in left side and down back in right side.