1. Accessories
The PS-510 is furnished with the following ac-
Power supply connecting cord - 2m 1
(with plug and jack)
Hyzex legs 2
Operation Manual 1
2. Connecting Method
As shown in Fig. 1, the PS-510 should be con-
nected to the TS-510, with the cord furnished.
With this connection, the speaker unit is also
connected to the transceiver.
The power on-off switch is attached to the
transceiver. (No power switch is attached to
the PS-510.) When power supply is on, the
neon tube located on the lower right end of
the PS-510 goes on.
3. A.C Power Voltage Selector
A.C power voltage selector is provided on
the back panel of the PS-510. The selector is
set at 230 volts before shipment from the
factory. To set the selector at 250 volts, re-
move the stopper from the selector and set the
selector, then placing the stopper again.
AC 230/250V
5 0 - 6 0 Hz
1. How to Take Out the Chassis
Remove the two flat-head bolts from the top
of the enclosure, four decorative bolts from
its sides, and seven locking bolts from the
bottom. Then the chassis can be drawn out
from the enclosure toward you. The Hyzex
need not be removed from the chassis.
2. Fuse
This unit is fused at 6 Ampere. The fuse
holder is located at the rear. When replacing
the burnt fuse, inspect the cause.
3. 150-Volt Line
The stabilized 150-volt line is so designed as to
be exactly fixed at 150 volts. I f the voltage is
off the specified voltage for some reasons, the
TS-510 should be placed on the receiving con-
dition. Then adjust the voltage to 150 volts
by turning the half-fixed resistor V R i located
on the back of the PS-510.
PS-510 Connecting cord
Fig. 1 Connecting
to the TS-510
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