Assembly Guide 880115-rev B
Installing the liner (to be installed barefoot)
WARNING: This is a delicate process and must be carried out with utmost caution.
We recommended installing the liner when the outdoor temperature is between 18°C and 25°C.
Use the ladder to enter and
exit the pool during installation. Unfold the liner inside the pool and spread it out until it reaches the edges of the pool.
The side
where the seams are smooth is the inside of the liner.
After removing 2 or 3 of the upper rails on the rounded sides, start to pull the edges of the liner above the wall allowing it to
overhang by 10 to 20 cm. Hold it in place temporarily with clothes pegs or using the rails provided for this purpose. Do not over-
stretch the liner. Use your feet to spread the bottom of the liner out until it reaches the base of the metal sheet wall. Repeat this
on the opposite side and in two other areas. This will enable you to check that the liner is properly centred. There should not be
any large folds running across it. Continue to lift the liner all around the pool, holding it in place with other clothes pegs.
The liner must be lying against the bottom of the pool before water is added.
Filling the pool
WARNING: Do not use recovered water (from a well or river, for example).
Start filling the pool with 1 or 2 cm of water. Spread the liner out on the bottom
and remove any wrinkles by sliding them with the flat of your hand from the centre
of the pool towards the edge, until they are completely gone.
Once the liner is in place, you can then install the plastic and metal profiles as
well as the connecting plates. Cut off the excess of the last plastic profile. Install
the top rails perpendicular to the bottom rails and place the connecting plates
back on the rails without fixing them.
You must stay in or nearby the pool until the water level reaches a height of 20
cm. From within the pool, gently tap the base to position the pool wall on the
ground tracks. At this stage, if the liner is laid correctly, you can permanently fix
the connecting plates with the fastening screws.
Ensure that the cut outs in the liner for the skimmer and discharge nozzle
have been done before totally filling the pool with water (see chapter 16:
Position the joins as best as
possible against the wall
1212 / 1615