Configuration Mode
The system is configured when it is first installed by your avionics
supplier. Configuration items include the Mode S aircraft address, the
interface to the other aircraft systems, the aircraft category, and the
pre-programmed values for VFR squawk code. To view or change
these settings you must use Configuration Mode.
Do not use Configuration Mode in flight. Check with
your avionics installer before changing the
To enter configuration mode, hold down the FN button whilst switching
on the transponder. Configuration items can be changed using the
Code Knob and the ENT button. Pressing FN advances to the next
configuration item.
When configuration is complete, switch the transponder off. When it is
switched back on the transponder will use the new configuration.
The configuration data is stored in the controller unit, not in the remote
transponder. In the event that you have exchanged the remote
transponder unit, but have not changed the controller, no further
configuration will be required. If you change the controller unit in an
aircraft, you must re-program all the configuration data as described