Select: Mode-S on CAN
Aircraft callsign
Enter your aircraft's identification. This information will be broadcast by your transponder.
Enter the ICAO ID that has been obtained from you by your aviation authority. This is a unique
number that will identify your aircraft and country of origin. This information is broadcast by
your transponder and is a vital part of a mode-s interrogation.
Note that the number is entered in OCTAL notation. Should you have been given a number in
decimal or hexadecimal – there are many freely available online converters that will convert
your number to octal.
VFR Sqauwk code
Enter the code used in your area as VFR code. This information is used by your EFIS only. It
is used for a “one button” selection of the code.
Aircraft speed
Select the speed range applicable for your aircraft. This information is broadcast by your
Select the aircraft category applicable to your aircraft. This information is broadcast by your
Length and Width of aircraft in meters
Enter the relevant dimensions of your aircraft. This information is broadcast by your
UAT ADS-B and 1090ES receiver installed
Select the appropriate setting for your aircraft. This information is broadcast by your
Slave ADS-B ↔ Transponder
If you have a compatible ADS-B transceiver connected you can use this setting to slave the
two devices. In this case both will transmit the same squawk codes and you do not have to
separately enter them.