Trienergia S.r.l.
Strada Pavesa, 13/A
Bondeno di Gonzaga
(MN) 46023
VAT No. 02470010204
+39 (0)376 595052
Maintenance and inspections
Service and maintenance on the TRIxxxBC-xB photovoltaic modules must only be
carried out by qualified personnel. Do not clean the glass surface with alkaline
detergents. Avoid prolonged stagnation of water on the glass. Be careful not to
break or damage the grounding wire during routine maintenance of the
photovoltaic module.
It is recommended to perform the following maintenance and inspection
procedures regularly:
Cleaning of glass surfaces;
Snow removal, if necessary;
Visual inspection of the fixing system;
Visual inspection of photovoltaic modules;
Visual inspection of electrical connections;
Performance verification.
For any questions regarding the disposal or recycling of the TRIxxxBC-xB
photovoltaic modules contact Trienergia using the contact details in the header