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Maintenance of the PR, PRE and PRED pumps includes frequent lubrication of the shaft bearings,
checking the oil level in the timing gear compartment, changing of oil at regular intervals, and
inspection of pump components.
The bearings should be greased after every 100 operating hours, using a high quality grease such
as Mobile Temp #1. Old grease in the grease chamber should be periodically removed by
removing the cleanout hole cover and scraping out excess grease. Mixing of different brands of
grease should be avoided, to prevent possible chemical reactions between the brands, which
could damage the bearings. Greases containing vegetable or animal bases should not be used
because they can develop harmful acids. Also avoid using greases containing graphite, rosin, talc
and other impurities.
Be sure the lubrication fittings are wiped clean before greasing, to prevent dirt from being
forced into the bearings during greasing.
If your pump has been operated under extremely dusty or wet conditions for several months, or
has been idle for a long period of time, the bearings should be cleaned thoroughly with white
gasoline or kerosene and new grease applied. Refer to the applicable paragraph for disassembly,
cleaning and inspection procedures.
The timing gears are lubricated with SAE 20 oil. At regular intervals check the oil level by
removing the oil level plug. Oil should be even with the bottom of the plug opening.
Every 200 operating hours, remove drain plug and drain the timing gear chamber. Add new oil
until proper level is reached.
It is recommended that periodic inspection of all parts be made to prevent malfunction caused by
worn or broken parts. To accomplish this inspection, it is necessary to completely disassemble
the pump. Sequence of disassembly is the same for models PR, PRE and PRED.
Disassembly of the Casing and Rotor
Disconnect the suction and discharge piping. Also disconnect the water line to the shaft seal
flush assembly, if pump is so equipped.
Remove the four bolts securing the pump to the base plate.
If the pump is removed from the base plate, be sure that any shims used to level the
pump are fastened together by some suitable means, tagged and reinstalled at their
original location at time of reassembly.
Disconnect the flexible coupling half from the pump shaft.
Remove the coupling key from the shaft. Remove casing nuts and slide casing cover from
studs. Carefully remove casing cover o-ring.
Disassemble the relief cover, if used, by removing the jam nut, clamp, cap nut and gasket.
Remove the retaining ring and slide the adjusting screw spring and thrust washer from the
piston. Carefully remove the o-ring from the adjusting screw.