“EGA Spółka z o.o.” Spółka Komandytowa ul. Rzeczna 1, Nowa Wieś Rzeczna
200 Starogard Gdański tel/fax:+48 58 56 300 80
The blades for mixing
1. Set the mixer blades inside the lower forecastle, as
shown in the figure.
2. At the bottom of the forecastle has two openings. Use
the mounting screws M8x16 and bolts M8x20, which are
inserted from the outside of the forecastle. Nuts and
washers are installed from the inside.
Soft aluminum washers must be installed between
the blades and the tank for leaks.
Upper forecastle
1. Place the rubber gasket in the groove of the lower
forecastle. The holes in the gasket fit holes for bolts.
2. Install the upper rim of the lower forecastle on the
forecastle, make sure that the holes are aligned and
arrows came together.
3. Insert the six screws with a Phillips-head screws
M6x16 (for SM1913V1) together with washers and
eight screws and washers (for all others) into the
holes on the crown. Put on each screw from the
bottom washer, nut and tighten.
4. Attach the blade to the upper forecastle M8x16
screws through the holes on the outside.