Main page
to go to main page.
4 possible cases on main page:
1. Bluetooth is disconnected: LCD shows “ClearSky”, Signal strength icon is disconnected
2. Bluetooth is connected but skype is not signed in: LCD shows “ClearSky / Skype Unavailable”, Signal
strength icon shows levels of signal strength
3. Bluetooth is connected and skype is signed in: LCD shows “ClearSky”
4. Bluetooth is connected, skype is signed in and has missed calls: LCD shows “ClearSky / # Missed calls”.
Contact List Page
can go to Contact List page
Show Contacts (Displayname > Full Name > Skype Account)
Sort by Skype status (Online / Offline)
Sort by name
Quick Access
1. Press the first letter of the name. (Press a key once to insert the first letter on the key, twice for the second
letter, and so on.)
2. Press ‘1’ to go back to the top of the contact list
3. Press ‘1’ again to go to the last online contact, so you can rolling from bottom to the beginning
Scrolling Long Display Name (long name which cannot be displayed completely on LCD)
1. Press
to move to right.