rev: 08.28.2012
Wireless Cloud Camera
TV-IP751WC (v1.0R)
Manage up to 32 cameras*
Compatible with Windows and Microsoft Server 2008
Multiple language support
Camera Viewing
Preset viewing modes
Program custom viewing modes
Full screen view
Drag and drop live feeds to a new location
Program camera cycle viewing sequence
Motion detection brings video forward
Side, top, and bottom tool bars can be hidden
Web based access from smart phones and tablets
Recording options
Program weekly recording schedules
Motion detection recording
Defi ne motion detection areas of any shape
Defi ne motion detection sensitivity
Event trigger recording
Date and time overlay
Mask overlay to conceal sensitive areas
Save a single video stream to multiple locations simultaneously
Defi ne recording quotas by recording time or space allocation
Disk clean feature condenses and optimizes old fi les
Real time recording stats to help manage fi les
Search and Playback
Navigation timeline provides a quick visual reference to the recorded content
Search continuous recordings by motion
Search recordings by motion within a defi ned fi eld (a portion of the viewing area)
Time lapse playback search
Map cameras on an image such as a fl oor plan
Map cameras on Google Maps™
*Monitoring multiple cameras may require a high performance CPU