Routing the Mortise
Fit the relevant mortise template to the jig
body eg A, B, C etc. Ensure that seating for
template is free of wood dust. Template may
need to be tilted (long edge first) into the jig
template aperture recess to fit.
Plunge rout the mortise by drilling a series of
overlapping holes no more than 20mm deep.
Make sure plunge locking lever of router is
locked and then clean up by making a shallow
pass no more than 20mm around the
template in a clock-wise direction.
Remove loose waste with a screwdriver and
vacuum extractor and repeat plunge and rout
operations until full depth is achieved.
Depending on router set-up, deepening of
mortise with auger bit and drill may be
Routing the Face-plate
Fit the relevant face-plate template eg 1, 2, 3
etc. Ensure seating is clear of any wood dust
or swarf. Template may need to be tilted (long
edge first) into the jig template aperture
recess to fit.
Zero the depth of the cutter, by lowering it
until it touches the door edge.
Insert the lock fixing plate together with the
face-plate between the revolving depth guide
and the fine adjuster screw. Lower the fine
adjuster (1) and lock it off (2) see picture.
Release the plunge locking lever.
To rout the face-plate, plunge cutter to full
depth of face-plate in the middle of the
template and lock off plunge.
Rout in a clockwise direction to the set depth.
Release the plunge locking lever.
After use of the jig, keep jig assembled and store
Rout in shallow passes. Do not
attempt to increase the depth of cut
by having less than the optimum
length of the cutter’s shank inserted
in the collet of your router. Trial
cuts should be made on waste
material to check the fit before
routing the door.
Rout clockwise
for clean up
Plunge rout a
series of holes
See special
note on page 5.
See special
note on page 5.
To set cutter plunge depth measure
the depth of the lock body from the
face to the back and add 3mm to
allow for clearance.
MANU-LOCK v9.1_MANU-LOCK v9 20/06/2013 09:05 Page 14