Press the CE key again to cancel the previous unit weight and sample
5.3 Alarm function
- To avoid counting errors, this scale has a useful alarm function to inform
the operator of a counting error in the event of low sample size or low
sample weight.
- The Low Sample Weight cursor on the display will turn on if the total
weight of the sample is below the limit value. The scale will start
counting but the error may be high.
- Press the CE key. Then use a larger sized sample (more weight) and key
in the new sample size using the numeric keypad, and then press
5.4 Unit Weight Enhancement
- The weighing machine will automatically adjust and calculate a new
average unit weight when more samples are slowly placed on the scale.
This ensures higher accuracy as samples are now based on a larger
population size.
5.5 Lack of Piece Weight
- LOW UNIT VALUE indicator will turn on if the averaged unit weight of
set unit weight is not enough for accurate counting operation. Operator
may still use the weighing machine if this indicator is on, but counting
error might occur.
5.6 Hi / LO check-weighing with counting
- The MCT Plus series has a useful check function to inform the operator if
the total pieces counted has reached the desired lower limit and the
upper limit. This function is designed for packaging applications.
EXAMPLE: If the operator wishes to count 1,000 pieces for every
package, he/she can set the lower limit and the upper limit as 1,000
pieces by: