Rope Ladder Assembly
In this step we are connecting the
Rope Block
on the Texan Playcenter Upper
Rope Arm and
the Texan Playcenter Lower Rope
1.) Thread the Rockwall Rope
through the
Rope Block and tie a knot.
2.) Tie 4 knots spaced evenly
throughout the
length of the Rockwall Rope.
3.)Place the Rockwall Rope
through the Texan
Playcenter Lower Rope Runner
on the back
In this step we are connecting the Rope Ladder
to the Texan Playcenter Upper Rope Arm and the
Texan Playcenter Lower Rope Runner.
1.)Thread the Ladder Ropes through the Texan
Playcenter Upper Rope Arm and tie knots.
2.) Slide a Rope Rung up the Ladder Ropes with
about 10”-11” between bottom of the Texan
Playcenter Upper Rope Arm and Rope Rung, tie
a single knot on each rope, directly below item
Rope Rung.
3.) Repeat step 2 for the remaining Rope Rungs
with about 10”-11” between each Rope Rung.