Tools Needed for Assembly
Tape Measure
24” Level
Angle Square
Phillips Screw Driver
3/8” Cordless Drill or Electric Drill 3/8” Drive Ratchet or Electric Impact Gun
Claw Hammeror Rubber Mallet Pliers or Vise Grips
7/16” Deep Well Socket
9/16” Deep Well Socket
3/4” Deep Well Socket
1/8”, 1/4”, and 9/16” Drill Bits
Phillips Head Screw Bits
An Adult with two Adult Helpers
Please familiarize yourself with the install manual, parts/components and general construction process of your new swing set before
getting started. Approximate assembly time: 6 to 8 hours. 6 foot unobstructed safety perimeter around swing set recommended.
5.4 Bengal Fort
2014 Install Manual
Version 1.14
Houston, tX 77041 • www.treefrogsswingsets.com • © 2013 kiD structures inc.