4 Instructions of LED on the kettle body:
Pre-set temperature is 50
-- the LED dark green; 70
--the LED shine blue;80
--LED shine
purple; 90
--LED light green; 100
--LED shine red;
The LED turns on in the process of setting the temperature, heating or keeping warm. When
finish heating the LED turns off.
5 Instructions of Working Status:
Normal mode:
Po e o → Buzz t i e → I di ato light all light up se o d → LED
on kettle body flash red,
g ee , lue i tu → i to sta d status
After power on, default pre-set temperature is 100
, press the start button to boil directly.
When water temperature gets 98
, the kettle starts timing and it will stop heating after 8-10
seconds, then turn into the standby status after buzz twice.
If you not press the start button after the pre-set temperature, the corresponding indicator
light shall turn off after 15 seconds, and the kettle turns into the standby status.
When start heating after pre-set the temperature, the indicator light turns on, after the
water gets pre-set the temperature kettle stops heating, then buzz twice, and the LED on the
kettle body turns off, the indicator light still keeps shining. Turn into the standby state after a
minute. The boiling water temperature range is +3 degrees.
During the heating process, you can set the temperature through the pre-set temperature
Keep warm mode:
In standby status, press the start button 3 seconds to turn into the keep warm mode and the
water starts heating. To default the pre-set temperature is 50
, press the start button 1
second again and the kettle stops working and will turn into the standby status.
Turn into keep warm mode, you shall pre-set the temperature first, the corresponding
indicator light turns on: if not press the start button 3 seconds after set the temperature, the
indicator light shall turn off after 15 seconds, and the kettle turns into the standby status. If
you press the start button 3 seconds after pre-set the temperature, then the kettle turns into
the keep warm mode and starts heating. The corresponding indicator light will flash with an
interval of 0.5 seconds.
In keep warm mode, when the water temperature gets to the pre-set temperature the first
time, the kettle shall buzz twice, and will not buzz afterwards.
After getting the pre-set temperature the first time, the kettle starts to keep warm in 30
minutes, when water temperature will be below the pre-set temperature, the kettle start
heating automatically: after 30 minutes the kettle turns into the keep warm mode and then
into standby status.
In keep warm mode, only the corresponding pre-set temperature indicator light flashes,
others light off, until the keep warm stops: in keep warm process, press the pre-set
temperature button into invalid.
The keep warm temperature range is 1/+3 degree.