This model is not intended
for use by children under
8 years of age without the
supervision of a responsible
and knowledgeable adult.
All instructions and
precautions outlined in this
manual should be strictly
followed to ensure safe
operation of your model.
Safety Precautions
Previous experience with
radio controlled models
is recommended. Models
require a higher level of
setup, maintenance, or
support equipment.
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bluehighway font
For Expert Drivers
Choose the Model That is Right For You.
For individual Models
No previous experience with radio controlled models is required.
Models require a minimum of setup, maintenance, or support equipment.
Previous experience with radio controlled models is mandatory. These
models are capable of high speeds, requiring experienced driving control.
Models require detailed setup, and/or maintenance procedures with required
support equipment.
Previous experience with radio controlled models is mandatory.
These models are capable of very high speeds and require an even higher
level of skilled driving control. Models require detailed setup, and/or mainte-
nance procedures with required support equipment.
For Expert Drivers Only.
This product is capable of extreme speed
and acceleration! It carries our highest skill level rating and is intended
for expert drivers only. Experience with nitro-powered radio controlled
models is required!
Previous experience with radio controlled models is recommended.
Models require a higher level of setup, maintenance, or support equipment.
No previous experience with radio controlled models is required.
Model requires a minimum of setup, maintenance, or support equipment.
Previous experience with radio controlled models is mandatory. This model is
capable of high speeds, requiring experienced driving control. Model requires
detailed setup, and/or maintenance procedures with required support
Previous experience with radio controlled models is mandatory. This model is
capable of very high speeds and requires an even higher level of skilled driving
control. Model requires detailed setup, and/or maintenance procedures with
required support equipment.
For Expert Drivers Only.
This product is capable of extreme speed
and acceleration! It carries our highest skill level rating and is intended
for expert drivers only. Experience with nitro-powered radio controlled
models is required!
Previous experience with radio controlled models is recommended.
Model requires a higher level of setup, maintenance, or support equipment.
Kent wants maintenance text to be at the END of the paragraph.-- KB
All of us at Traxxas want you to safely enjoy your new model.
Operate your model sensibly and with care, and it will be exciting,
safe, and fun for you and those around you. Failure to operate your
model in a safe and responsible manner may result in property
damage and serious injury. The precautions outlined in this manual
should be strictly followed to help ensure safe operation. You alone
must see that the instructions are followed and the precautions are
adhered to.
Important Points to Remember
Your model is not intended for use on public roads or congested
areas where its operation can conflict with or disrupt pedestrian
or vehicular traffic.
Never, under any circumstances, operate the model in crowds of
people. Your model is very fast and could cause injury if allowed
to collide with anyone.
Because your model is controlled by radio, it is subject to radio
interference from many sources that are beyond your control.
Since radio interference can cause momentary losses of radio
control, always allow a safety margin in all directions around the
model in order to prevent collisions.
The motors, batteries, and speed control can become hot during
use. Be careful to avoid getting burned.
Don’t operate your model at night, or anytime your line of sight
to the model may be obstructed or impaired in any way.
Most importantly, use good common sense at all times.
Batteries and Battery Charging
Your model uses rechargeable batteries that must be handled with
care for safety and long battery life. Make sure to read and follow all
instructions and precautions that were provided with your battery
packs and your charger. It is your responsibility to charge and care
for your battery backs properly. In addition to your battery and
charger instructions, here are some more tips to keep in mind.
Never leave batteries to charge unattended.
Remove the batteries from the model while charging.
Always unplug the batteries from the electronic speed control
when the model is not in use and when it is being stored
or transported.
Allow the battery packs to cool off between runs
(before charging).
Do not use battery packs that have been damaged in any way.
Do not use battery packs that have damaged wiring, exposed
wiring, or a damaged connector.
Children should have responsible adult supervision when
charging and handling batteries.
Speed Control
Disconnect the Batteries: Always disconnect the batteries from the
speed control when not in use.
Transmitter on First: Switch on your transmitter first before
switching on the speed control to prevent runaways and
erratic performance.
Don’t Get Burned: The heat sink can get extremely hot, so be
careful not to touch it until it is cool. Supply adequate airflow
for cooling.
Use Stock Connectors: If you decide to change the battery
or motor connectors, only change one battery or motor connector
at a time. This will prevent damage from accidentally mis-wiring
the speed control. Please note that modified speed controls can
be subject to a rewiring fee when returned for service. Removing
the battery connector on the speed control or using connectors
with no reverse-polarity protection on the speed control will void
the product’s warranty.
Insulate the Wires: Always insulate exposed or damaged wiring
with heat shrink tubing to prevent short circuits
Always Use Heat Sinks: Three heat sinks are factory-installed on
the speed control and must be used for maximum cooling and
No Reverse Voltage: The speed control is not protected against
reverse polarity voltage. When changing the battery and/or
motor, be sure to install the same type of connectors to avoid
reverse polarity damage to the speed control. Removing the
battery connectors on the speed control or using the same-gender
connectors on the speed control will void the product’s warranty.
Do Not Let the Transistor Tabs Touch: Never allow the three
separate transistor banks to touch each other or any exposed
metal. This will create a short circuit and damage the speed
control. (For example, laying a metal tool across the heat sinks can
damage the speed control.)
No Schottky Diodes: External Schottky diodes are not compatible
with reversing speed controls. Using a Schottky diode with the
EVX-2 will damage the ESC and void the 30-day warranty.