(qualified installers only)
© Travis Industries, Inc.
4/11/22 - 1538
Outdoor Linear Burners
Landscaping Block Enclosures
Landscaping blocks may be used to create the enclosure for the linear burner. There are two options for how the
pit fits the enclosure. Before building the enclosure, you will need to decide how you would like the fire pit to rest
on the brick. The dimensions for the enclosure will vary slightly depending on this decision (see dimensions
Standard Installations
where the outer flange of the linear burner rests on the top surface of the block or
capstone and the windbreak glass sits on the same surface.
Recessed Installations
use brackets that are installed under the top course of block or the capstone.
When installed in this manner, the outer flange of the linear burner fits inside the enclosure opening and
rests on the brackets rather than the capstone.
Standard Install
Recessed Install
Dimensions for Landscaping Block Enclosures (Standard & Recessed)
36" Linear Burner
60" Linear Burner
120" Linear Burner
Standard Install
36-1/4” x 12-1/4”
60-1/4” x 12-1/4”
120-1/4” x 12-1/4”
Recessed Install
37-3/4” x 13-3/4”
61-3/4” x 13-3/4”
121-3/4” x 13-3/4”