6: Connect current and turn on.
Note 1: EMC interference and pick up can make low current readings unstable. Great care must be
Taken to screen all leads and connections for stable readings.
Note 2: The BMC outer shell will be earthed if the calibrator is set ‘negative to ground’.
This may cause earth loop errors is the current source is also earthed.
Measure High Value resistance.
1: Connect to calibrator as above.
2: Start the VFP program, select com port as required.
3: Click ‘resistance’ button
4: Click on resistance range required or the ‘Auto range’ button.
5: With inputs open circuit click the ‘Set infinity’ button.
7: Using the drop down box select the voltage to measure the resistance at.
6: Connect the resistance to be measured between the ‘voltage supply’ BMC socket and the ‘Input
current’ BMC socket. Note the outer shield of the BMC is ground to connect to the screen/guard.
7: Click ‘Volts on’ button
8: Read value on display.
Note 1: EMC interference and pick up can make High Resistance readings unstable. Great care
must be taken to screen all leads and connections for stable readings.
The pAmp input of the calibrator is very sensitive and can be damaged by the application of
voltages above 50V.
Detailed VFP Operation
Selecting a COM Port
On starting the virtual front panel for the first time, a COM port selection screen will be
displayed. Click on the COM port which is connected to your 2000 Series calibrator to
Transmille Ltd.
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