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8600 Operation Manual - V1.0
Remote Commands
The 8600 is fitted with remote interfaces to enable automation. Automation not only improves
throughput but also reduces errors due to operator error as the unit is configured by software
All commands must be terminated with a Carriage Return (ASCII Character 13) to be executed.
All responses are terminated with a Carriage Return (ASCII Character 13), followed by a Line
Feed (ASCII Character 10).
Programming Overview
The 8600 is controlled by a set of simple high level commands which can be used either
individually or as part of a command sequence.
The basic structure is as follows :
{Command}{Data - Optional}<CR>
Where command is represented as {Command}, required data is represented as {Data} and the
Carriage Return is represented by <CR>
Compound Commands
To simplify remote commands, multiple commands can be sent on a single line. This can
reduce the number of lines required in a program to configure the output/input state of the instrument.
To create a compound command a backslash ‘/’ should be inserted between each command/data
pair as below :
An example of using this structure follows
Where the DDS Sinewave output is being set to 2.5 volts at a frequency of 1 kHz. These
commands do not need additional delays added in code.