What is the amount of salt to add into the pond?
For the first time, the addition of 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1kg) of salt
per 100 gallons (500Litre) of water should be sufficient.
Control Reading:
0.13% to 0.25%
1.3ppt to 2.5ppt
To detoxify nitrite and control algae, using 2 to 3 pounds (1 to 1.5kg)
per 100 gallons (500Litre) of water is appropriate to reduce the
nitrite toxicity.
Control Reading:
0.25% to 0.37%
2.5ppt to 3.7ppt
What is the amount of salt to add for a quarantine tank?
The setup of a quarantine tank is important for preventing an
outbreak when you introduce new fish or to separate sick fish from
your pond. You will need to quarantine new fish for 1week to
ensure it is not carrying any disease or parasites.
Add 2 to 4 pounds (1kg to 2kg) of salt per 100 gallons (500 litres).
Add medication as recommended by the
supplier for hospital tank.
Control Reading:
0.5% to 0.55%
5ppt to 5.5ppt
Use only non-iodized salt.
Do not apply salt directly into pond. Any direct contact of
crystalline salt with Koi or fish in just a few seconds can cause
injuries similar to burns.
Always dissolve salt in a bucket of pond water first and introduce
at the discharge side of the bio-filter for small pond or evenly
around the edges for bigger pond. In order not to shock the
Koi, it is better to divide application into small partial addition
over 3 days rather than all at one time.