Step 12: Tracer UC210 Setup for Changeover Systems
Step 12: Tracer UC210 Setup for Changeover
Best Practice:
Install a duct temperature probe (part number 4190-7020) in the return
air duct, before/upstream of the bypass damper. This temperature is used in the
changeover application of System Controller to control the VAS AHU member. Wire the
sensor to the rooftop's space temperature input.
It is important that the sensor be located upstream of the bypass, so that it reflects
the air temperature from the zones and is unaffected by the bypassed airflow.
With Tracer TU, setup Tracer UC210s for use with dampers without flow sensing:
1. Change the box type to generic.
2. Set the box size to 100 CFM.
3. Adjust setpoints to percent value.
4. Disconnect transducer from UC module (no flow ring).
5. Put binary value, index #13, “Diagram Flow Sensor Failure” out of service, normal.
6. Change analog value, index #52 “PD Mode Min Air Valve Position” from 40% to 10%
(or whatever the desired minimum cool flow is).
7. Setup Bypass Damper UC210 with correct actuator type binary value #2, “Actuator
Type.” Select
Modulating Triac
(default) or
Modulating Linear
Figure 2.
Actuator type