Programming Legend
User Key Fob
Use to unlock.
Programming Key Fob
To program user key fobs and enable or disable other operations.
Inside Activation Button
To wake up lock.
To enable, disable or examine the functionalities of lock.
Outside Activation Button
To wake up lock.
To register key fob.
Lights/Beeps Legend
Three Beeps
Orange - Blinks three times
Step Confirmation
Correct entry made in programming and accepted by lock.
Three Beeps
Green - Blinks three times
Function Successful
Set of steps completed successfully.
Three Beeps
Red - Blinks three times
Function Enable/Check - NIght LAtCh
Night latch mode enabled.
One Beep
Red - Blinks one time
Function Disable - NIght LAtCh
Night latch mode disabled.
Three Beeps
Green - Blinks three times
Function Enable/Check - PASSAgE
Passage mode enabled.
One Beep
Green - Blinks one time
Function Disable - PASSAgE
Passage mode disabled.
Three Beeps
Green - Blinks three times
Function Enable - hOME
TRANE Air Conditioner(s) switched ON.
Three Beeps
Red - Blinks three times
Function Enable - AWAY
TRANE Air Conditioner(s) switched OFF.