onto the isolation pads. In addition, all piping connected
to the chiller must be properly isolated and supported so
that it does not place any stress on the unit.
Spring Isolators
Spring isolators should be considered whenever chiller
installation is planned for an upper story location. Base
isolator placement is shown in
Figure 6. Chiller foot and isolator orientation
Side View of Unit
outside edge
End View of Unit
of tube sheet
center tube
support leg
center of
The spring isolator must be centered
The length of the
isolator should
be parallel to the
in relation to the tube sheet. Do not
align the isolator with the flat part of
the chiller foot since the tube sheet is
often off center
Do not adjust the isolators until the chiller is
piped and charged with refrigerant and water.
1. Position the spring isolators under the chiller as
. Make sure that each isola-
tor is centered in relation to the tube sheet.
Spring isolators shipped with the chiller may not
be identical. Be sure to compare the data pro-
vided in the unit submittal package to determine
proper isolator placement.
2. Set the isolators on the sub-base; shim as necessary
to provide a flat, level surface at the same elevation
for the end supports. Be sure to support the full
underside of the isolator base plate; do not straddle
gaps or small shims.
3. If required, bolt the isolators to the floor through the
slots provided, or cement the pads.
Fastening the isolators to the floor is not neces-
sary unless specified.
4. If the chiller must be fastened to the isolators, insert
capscrews through the chiller base and into holes
drilled and tapped in the upper housing of each isola-
tor. Do not allow the screws to protrude below the
underside of the isolator upper housing, or interfere
with the adjusting bolts. An alternative method of
fastening the chiller to the isolators is to cement the
neoprene pads.
5. Set the chiller on the isolators; refer to rigging section
for lifting instructions. The weight of the chiller will
force the upper housing of each isolator down, and
could cause it to rest on the isolator’s lower housing.
illustrates spring isolator construction.)
6. Check the clearance on each isolator. If this dimen-
sion is less than 1/4” (6.35 mm) on any isolator, use
a wrench to turn the adjusting bolt one complete
revolution upward.
When the load is applied to the isolators (Step
5), the top plate of each isolator moves down to
compress the springs until either the springs sup-
port the load or the top plate rests on the bottom
housing of the isolator. If the springs are support-
ing the load, screwing down on the adjusting bolt
(Step 7) will raise the chiller.
7. Turn the adjusting bolt on each of the remaining iso-
lators to obtain the required minimum clearance of
1/4”(6.35 mm).
8. Once the minimum required clearance is obtained
on each of the isolators, level the chiller by turning
the adjusting bolt on each of the isolators on the low
side of the unit. Be sure to work from one isolator to
the next. Remember that the chiller must be level to
within 1/16” (0.15875 cm): over its length and width,
and that clearance of each isolator must be at least
1/4” (6.35 mm).
Figure 7. Isolation spring placement by shell size,
evaporator and condenser length
142 E/L
250 E/L
050 S/S, S/L, L/L
080 S/S, S/L, L/L
142 M/L, L/L 210
left front
left rear
right front
right rear
left front
left rear
left center
right rear
right front
Unit Leveling
Follow the instructions outlined below determined
whether or not the chiller is set level within 1/16” (1.6
1. Measure and make a punch mark an equal distance
up from the bottom of each foot of the chiller.
2. Suspend a clear plastic tube along the length of the
chiller as shown below.
3. Fill the tube with water until the level aligns with the
punch mark at one end of the chiller; then check the
water level at the opposite mark. If the water level
does not align with the punch mark, use full length
shims to raise one end of the chiller until the water
level at each end of the tube aligns with the punch
marks at both ends of the chiller.
4. Once the unit is level across its length, repeat Step 1
through Step 3 to level the unit across its width.
RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT