We recommend that you first remove ladder and
main parts by carefully cutting the thicker
supports first - after cutting these they should
break away from the other parts by gently
‘rocking’ and you can then trim away the fine
supports. Parts may be cut from the supports
using a knife on a cutting mat or by using
precision cutters - they are available from model
shops or from www.dcpexpress.com
You will also find that fine nose pliers or tweezers
are useful for fitting parts. Parts can be glued in
place using model adhesives such as Liquid poly
or cynoacrylate ‘superglue’ etc.
You can use the Location board (the small
square sign) to show the DCC address of the
signal by cutting out and glueing the number
from table printed opposite. The lower sign with a
horizontal bar is for a Semi-automatic signal.
You can weather or paint the signal and add
scatter material or ballast etc around the base
but take care not to cover the Sensor, Learn or
contact fingers and
let liquid get into base
of the signal as this contains sensitive electronics
which will be permanently damaged by moisture.
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81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
• Detailing your signal
The signal is supplied with a sprue of plastic parts for you to add optional details like ladder,
handrails, phone and location board if you wish (as shown on several signal illustrations). These
parts are extremely small & fragile, so we recommend using the following to remove and fit them:
We recommend
first cutting the thicker supports to release main
parts, then trimming off the small parts from the supports
Location board labels
• Troubleshooting….
• When powered one of the signal lights should always be lit and not flickering. If not and locos run correctly track check
signal power connections - if using signal contact fingers for connection check they are clean and tightly fitted between
the track sleeper and rail - clean if necessary or consider wiring the signal instead of using slide in fingers. The power
connections to every Sensor Signal linked together
must be very good and consistent
to ensure reliable operation.
• If powering your Sensor Signal from DC it must be a Smooth DC supply between 12 and 16 volts DC maximum - we
can recommend the Gaugemaster GMC-WM4 power pack as ideal, being 12 volt Smooth & Regulated DC @1.25A.
• If the signal stays on one colour, not changing as the train passes, check that signal is pushed in around the sleepers
and the sensor is close to the rail (but NOT touching!) so that it can ‘see’ the train moving over it and that there is no
bright light or sun shining directly onto the sensor to prevent it from working. We do not recommend mounting Sensor
Signals on curves because long stock can miss the sensor on outside curves or crash into the signal on inside curves.
• If signal stays on red (or yellow on a distant signal) check you have not sent an override command inadvertently - note
that Sensor Signals are set to a Test DCC address at the factory and this might be the same address as something else
on your layout, so if in doubt give it your own unique address even if you do not intend using DCC override - see page 6
• If sensing is unreliable on some trains you can add a white label or white paint under the train to improve reflectivity,
but it should work with most stock. Do not get the signal wet or cover the sensor with paint or any other scenic material.
• If your signal does not respond to DCC, double check that your controller is in
addressing mode (
not regular
locomotive addressing)
to set up & operate (this will be explained in your controllers instructions).
• If these steps fail please contact your supplier or us direct: www.train-tech.com [email protected] 01953 457800
Computer and advanced control systems
Some DCC controllers can be connected to a PC or tablet to enable computer control of locomotives and accessories -
for full details on compatibility consult your controller supplier. Some controllers have Railcom
or Railcom Plus
although our Sensor Signals will work with this system on if you are not using Railcom it is best to turn it off.
Signal design
Our signals are based on colour light signals in Norfolk which we photographed, CAD, tooled and make in the UK.
As well as Sensor signals we also make DCC fitted and switch controlled signals with Feathers & Theatres, plus a wide
range of easy to use signal and point controllers, lighting and sound effect products. Ask for our latest free brochure.
This product is not a toy but a precision model kit and as such contains small parts which may choke or harm a child.
Always take special care when using tools, electricity, adhesives and paints, especially if children or pets are nearby.
Publication reference D779643/4A ©DCP 2017 David Palmer