Main Functions & Features
Day & Time:
● Display is DDD HH:MM:SS [DDD represents digits for number of Days; HH represents digits
for Hours; MM represents digits for minutes; SS represents digits for seconds. To display 365
days, 12 hours, 59 minutes and 15 seconds in {DDD HH:MM:SS} format would look like {365
12:59:15}]. {H12} will flash when in 12H mode.
● 12H & 24H display format = 12H [To display 100 days and 2:59:15 PM would look like {100
02:59:15}. {H12} will flash when in 12H mode.] 24H [To display 100 days and 2:59:15 PM
would look like {100 14:59:15}. {H24} will flash when in 24H mode.]
● Use
button to toggle between 12H & 24H formats
Count Up From (000 00:00:00) to (999 99:59:59) [Display format will be { DDD
HH:MM:SS}. To display 240 days, 2 hours, 13 minutes, and 36 seconds in {DDD HH:MM:SS} format
would look like {240 02:13:36}]
Countdown From (999 99:59:59) to (000 00:00:00) [Display format will be {DDD
HH:MM:SS}. To display 100 days, 3 hours, 10 minutes and 45 seconds in {DDD HH:MM:SS format
would look like {100 03:10:45}]
Remote Control Buttons
Listed below are the buttons on the remote control and their functions. Some buttons have dual
functions and we will explain each of the functions as well as the appropriate mods to use them.
ON/OFF Turn on/off the clock
EDIT Edit programs
CURSOR Use arrows to move through numbers in EDIT mode.
START Will start the current program mode you are in
STOP Will stop the timer in your current mode
● If stopping in the middle of a program and you want to resume where you stopped, press
START again. The Timer will pick up where you stopped.
SAVE Save data when in EDIT mode
TIME TOGGLE Press button to switch between 12H and 24H formats in TIME mode
MODE SWITCH Toggle between CLOCK & Timer Functions
COUNTUP Enter into COUNTUP mode