pbCTflk TeobbW prBpbnrbkT pTAoTJrm
tith the aoor openI turn the pwitchLaial lk and qemperature aial to pjlhbK fn
approximately O minutes you will notice whitishJgray smoke coming out of the drill
as the mellets igniteK After assuring the mellets have ignitedI close the aoor and set
the qemperature aial to any cooking setting desiredK
MAkrAi ifdeTfkd fkpTorCTflkpW
ff the
eot ood
only is not operatingI the drill can still be used to cook and smoke
using the
MAkrAi ifdeTfkd molCbarob
NF jaking sure the pwitchLaial is set to lcc and the eot ood connector Emurple L thite
wire pairF is
I plug the mower `ord into an appropriateI grounded
electrical outletK
OF lpen the mellet eopper and fill with qoAbdbo BBn mbiibqpK
tAokfkd! rpb
lkiv ToAbdbo BoAka BBn mbiibTpI which are specifically made to work
in our drillsK kbsbo use heating fuel pellets in the drill due to potential
hazardous contaminants that may be presentK
PF oemove the morcelain drillI drease arain man and eeat Baffle to expose the cirepot
in the bottom of the drillK
QF mour NLO cup of qoAbdbo BBn mbiibqp into the cirepotK
RF pquirt O tablespoons of Alcohol del fire lighter into the cirepot on top of the melletsK
SF iight the Alcohol del with a fireplace match or a longJreach butane lighterK
tAokfkd! kbsbo pnrfoT AiCleli dbi fkTl A Brokfkd cfob lo A elT
cfobmlTK Teb AiCleli dbi BlTTib Clria bumilab Aka CArpb
pboflrp fkgrovK
TF iet the Alcohol del and mellets burn for approximately Q minutesK
UF After assuring the mellets have ignitedI install the eeat BaffleI drease arain man and
morcelain drill back in placeK
VF qurn the pwitchLaial lk and the qemperature aial to any setting desiredK tith the
aoor closedI let the drill preJheat for approximately NM minutes before placing food
in the drillK
ff the drill fails to light or if the fire in the cirepot goes out while cooking or
smokingI follow these stepsW
NF qurn the pwitchLaial to lccK lpen the aoor and remove all foodI morcelain
drillI drease arain man and eeat BaffleK
fMmloTAkTW oemove all unburned mellets and ash from inside and around
the cirepotK
Before replacing the eeat BaffleI drease arain man and morcelain drillI
restart the drill and confirm that the ignition cycle is workingK Eqhe eot ood
should begin to turn red and mellets should fall into the cirepot from the Auger
QF ff this procedure is not successfulI see
pbCTflk pfuW cobnrbkTiv Aphba
for troubleshooting tips or contact qraeger qechnical pupport
EpbCTflk pbsbkF
to help diagnose the problem before proceeding to the
MAkrAi ifdeTfkd fkpTorCTflkp