GP20/MP20 User Manual
Reply:SET OK.
9.5 Single Locating
Instruction format: 666+user password
Example: 6660000
Reply: when you send out this command you can get SMS reply as follow:
La: +22 33.7859
Lo:+114 05.5514
Date: 2013-12-27
ID: 8803000003
9.6 Request location with Google Map link
Instruction format:669+ user password
Example: 6690000
Reply: when you send out this command you can get SMS reply as follow:
9.7 Monitor
Instruction format
Reply : SET OK
Note: Only the authorization phone number send command to the tracker, then
tracker will call the phone number and be the monitor mode .
9.8 Phone position and Talk Mode function
Any Phone call the tracker, if nobody hang on the phone from the SOS button of the
tracker above 10 times ring sound, then tracker will hang off the phone and send a
position message(Google link message) to the sender automatically , if hang on, then
tracker will enter in talk mode and will not send the position message any more.
if the tracker no GPS, user call the tracker, tracker will reply a incorrect message to
the first sender number, once GPS work normally, tracker will send a new message to the
sender number automatically. That is mean one call and two message if no GPS and one
call with one message if GPS work normally .
Press SOS button one time is for hang on the phone , press SOS button two
times is for hang off the phone .
9.9 SOS Alarm
When press the SOS button for 3 seconds,tracker will call and send the position
message to the 3 authorization phone number automatically.
If the first authorization phone number hang on the phone,then tracker will not