AVL-50 4G User Manual
For More Information:
Please contact TrackingTheWorld, 1633 Bayshore Highway, Suite 390, Burlingame, CA. 94010, USA
Phone: +1.650.692.8100
Copyright © TrackingTheWorld. All rights reserved. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specification and price
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.Troubleshooting and Safety Info
Possible Reason
After AVL50 4G is turned on,
the CELL LED always flashes
AVL50 4G
isn’t registered to
the ISP.
Please register the AVL50 4G
again and make sure the device
gets the correct MDN.
The signal is too weak, and
AVL50 4G
can’t be
registered to the network.
Please move AVL50 4G into places
with good LTE coverage.
Messages can’t be reported
to the backend server by
The IP address or port of the
backend server is wrong.
Make sure the IP address for the
backend server is an identified
address on the Internet.
AVL50 4G cannot power off
no matter the device is in
charge or not.
Unable to power off AVL50
4G if charger is connected.
Disconnect charger and try again.
AVL50 4G
can’t get
successful GPS fixing.
The GPS signal is weak.
Please move AVL50 4G to a place
with open sky.
It is better to let the top surface
(which comes with LED indicator)
face the sky.
Safety Info
Do not disassemble the device by yourself.
Do not put the device in over heated too humid place and avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Too
high temperature will damage the device or even causes battery explosion.
Do not use AVL50 4G on the airplane or near medical equipment.