to country. For more information about the local APN, inquiry from your
local GPRS network operator. Send SMS “
#apn#password#APN content#APN user
name#APN password#
” via a cell phone and if succeeded, the tracker
will return the message “set APN OK”.
E.g. send SMS command “#apn#123456#cmnet#”.
Notes: CMNET is the APN content of China Mobile (it has no APN user
name and password). If there is no APN user name and password, then no
need to write APN user name and password.
6.13 IP and Port setting
6.13.1 Send SMS “
#IP#password#ip address#port number#
”. If
succeeded, “set ip address and port ok” will be returned by SMS.
E.g, Send SMS command “#IP#password#” to the
device ( is IP, 6780 is port )
6.14 Cut oil or circuit (optional)
Send SMS “
” to device, it will reply “stop oil
ok”, cut oil successfully.
Send SMS “
” to device, it will reply “stop
electricity ok”, cut circuit successfully.