Date : 27/07/2015
Ref : User manual
Version 1.0.1
1. Switching on BIRDY WPs
1. Press key during 5 seconds
2. Switching off BIRDY WPs
. Press key
2. Go to SWITCH OFF menu thanks to the keys
3. Press key
4. Press key
3. Reading a received message
1. Press key
2. The first line displays the message number with date and time
3. The remaining part of the displayed text is the received message
4. If the text is long, press keys to scroll the message text
5. Key enables to save or erase the message
4. Erasing all the messages«
1. Press key
2. Go to ERASE ALL menu thanks to keys
3. Press key
4. Press again to confirm
5. Identities management « »
1. Press key
2. Press key to go to TECHNICAL MENU
3. Press key
4. Press key to select identity
5. Press key to access to one identity
6. Press key or to change identity
7. Press key to confirm