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Содержание Celica Supra 1982

Страница 1: ... TOYOTA ELECTRICAL WIRING J GtIll ...

Страница 2: the manual is based on the latest product information at the time of publication However specifications and procedures are subject to change without notice 1981 TOYOTA MOTOR SALES CO LTD All rights reserved This book may not be r produced or copied in whol or in part without the written permission of Toyota Motor Sales Co Ltd TOYOTA MOfOR SALES CO LTD ...


Страница 4: ...oining the power source with any system will esuit in the complete system Location of the ground points are shown as well as how the cOmponent grounds are related to each other Each system is displayed on two facing pages for easy reference On the left is shown the system circuit and connectors as much as possible as they are actually posi tioned in the vehicle The system wiring routing and connec...

Страница 5: ...on the left and right connectors are drawn on the right Upper connectors in the system circuit are drawn on the right and the lower connectors can be found on the left Connector pins are numbered in each connector Female connectors are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom Male connectors are numbered from right to left and from top to bottom i e a male connector is numbered in relati...

Страница 6: ...are normal the common circuit power source or ground points is okay The problem lies within the indiVjdual system b Locate the exact point of the problem by narrowing down the flrea with a voltmeter or test lamp 4 Repair and re check the circuit If any wiring was disconnected for troubleshooting re connect it and check the related circuits Voltage Check 1 Establish conditions in which voltage is p...

Страница 7: ...wn fuse and disconnect all loads of the fuse 2 Connect a test lamp in place of the fuse 3 Establish conditions in which the test lamp comes on Refer to component operations Example Ignition S Won Ignition S W and S W 1 on Ignition S W s W 1 and Relay on Connect the Relay and S W 2 off or Disconnect S W 2 4 DiSC nnect and reconnect the connectors while watching the test lamp The short lies between ...

Страница 8: ...n Signal Indicator Lamp I 21 I I 16A STOP i Stop Lamp i 4 i Clock 7 Trip Computer 16 16A TAIL Clearance Lamp Front Side Marker Lamp Tail Lamp Rear Side Marker Lamp License Lamp Handy Map Lamp Glove Box Lamp Inspection Lamp Vanity Lamp Radio Lamp Trip 20 i Computer Lamp AfT Indicator Lamp Meter Lamp AIC Control Lamp Cruise Control S W Lamp Overdrive S W Lamp Defogger I i S W Lamp Cigarette Lighter ...

Страница 9: ...or Lamp 10 Power Window Relay 14 7 5A GAUGE OlD Relay OlD Solenoid 15 Combination Meter 23 24 Heater Relay Water Valve VSV Sub Damper VSV Sub Damper Relay No 1 Sub Damper Relay No 2 High Speed Relay Double Vacuum Valve Warm up Relay 30G C Warm up Relay 50 Cl 27 A C Amplifier 7 5A IGN IG Main Relay Charge Warning Lamp 2 El l Main Relay No 1 EF I Main Relay No 2 DEFOG CB Rear Window Defogger t 1t Fu...

Страница 10: ...n Relay Closed with Ignition S Wat IG orST ltion COU 50 BOil Heater Relay c j5 4 Closed with ignition S W at lG I position and heater blower S W on at L M or H positionl I i5 4 Closed with iglJition sIW at lG po ition and he ater blower oV at Auto sition and warm up relay 30 CJ cI d JIB No 2 Ignition SIW l GIf H E A D RT R 7 5 As r r fERlw D ii 2 I E il JLJMI 3 CI d with gnition Y I 00M E_ o 1 5A_...

Страница 11: ...gnition S W at tG position lid engine not runnIng Charge Warning Lamp Analog Meter Digital Meter CD BY 17 yw E Charge Light Relay I lopen with EFI main relay on and al nator s Qarging 13 d 2 moTf than 11 voltst CIOi d with EFI main relay 6ft Of altemator nOt charging 13 Q 2 leu than 7voltsl w Yellow Black l8 GfOU d AnaIOg Mew 7 Ground jOig ita Mate I 1 Continuity with ahematrJr not running a Groun...

Страница 12: ...0f2 more than 2i C n n 2 Grotmd 30 900 Start Injector r2 l l iY 0it wh il rt i J e oI I tim S W poinb are Closed artd I turter cranking Coll3 Sn Starter Points dosed with neutral start 1 8m on Am and ignltron SIW at ST posJtion JIB No 2 6W IGN 7 5A L 11___ _i n a u _ t Yiy l M f aw 9 CD Black G n r T W6 _ Ignition S W Vellow Brown Vellow O_ JI Lt l 6 ClOSedWith ignitiOn 0 0 key at IG or ST positio...

Страница 13: ... I I 4 STOP LIGHTS JIB No 3 fl l 0Y l A STOP ow _ _ J r Stop Lamp SIW ___ IT 1 12 CfOS dwlthbrakel 1 pedal depressed I Stop Lamp GR W Orange Blue Gre n GR Stop Lamp am mn II II 1111 0IIEl i o FL 1 0Y ...

Страница 14: ... I j 5 BACK UP LIGHTS JIB No 2 GAUGE y AIT MIT Back up Lamp SIW ICI Sfld with shift lawr lin R positlUfl y WL r J d CD It iIJ I Sack up Lamp Back up Lamp Green mrfiIm II lID 1 11 0 EIIIDl Id J J ...

Страница 15: ... HAZ HORN 15A l JIB No 2 5 7 5A RADIO r G y YC fuR B GrB VG VW V W CD g I Ie f lN N _ N_J Speaker I I Speaker Radio and Stereo Player Speaker Woofer Speaker Orange Blue U 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 fa CD Q Green CD RADIOIIi 7 5A hh CD HAZ HORN 15A ...

Страница 16: ...ock 5 Ground Always 12 volts Power for clock 6 Ground 12 volts with ignition srw at ACCot IG position Power for indication 2 Ground 12 volts with light control S W at TAIL or HEAD position Signal of dim indicator Clock 2 W B WB O 1 _ 1 00range Blue I I i I DOME 7 5A TAIL ...

Страница 17: ... r I 8 HORNS JIB No 3 IHAZ HORN O Y 1 a r I I DDGD iT HAZ HORN Green Black ...

Страница 18: ...ay 1 3 Ground 12 volts with Ignition key 1 cylinder 1 Power fm 19nitlQfl kay warning bUZHl l 2 Ground 12 volts with ignition SIW at IG posinon i Power and signal of bait warning buzzer tor 4 8 eondsi i 1 GrQund Continuity with door open i Sigrnll of ignition key warning buzzer 6 Ground ContinuitY on e ddver slap belt In use SigMl of bett warning oo21eri 5 Ground 0 volt for 4 S second with ignition...

Страница 19: ...B No 2 r b l1 Y 7 5A G AU G E 1 r 1 r I Defogger Rl lay 4 E il 5 CB Defogger Relay IC d _ 1 at IGll positIOn ami defogger SJW on Col 92fl Vellow s B Nml DefoggerS W Rear Window Defogger BQffi i E CD n 2 6 Defogger 2 Relay GAUGE_ 7 5A ...

Страница 20: ...ETTE LIGHTER JIB No 2 I l J _ _ _ W j I w _ 15 A C G J fIJ ilt l 114 Cigarette T RR 2 Lighter 6 we 4 G i il RR r e UP 2 DOWN I RIGHI LEFT Remote Control Mirror sIW Mirror Motors Mirror Motors Blue oJ l i 9 101 DBlue _ 5 CIG15A _ i i 10 I ...

Страница 21: ...wiper S W off until wiper motor rtop i i12 13 Closed 9 Ground Continuity willi wrpet SIW at OFF position 9 7 Closed Cam sofeOQid gr und lJ Grnund 12 volts 2 7 12 7 seoonci jnMrmitently with ignition SfW on and wiper SIW at INT i 13 Ground position 12 13 Closed for 12 seconds after motor starts at first stroke and for 0 1 seoonds from wcond strokej6 13 Closed 1 2 seconds after motQr slart until mot...

Страница 22: ...ion w LW 1 __ 3 f L w 2 8M on and wiper S W lit lNT po5iton 3 Ground 12 volts with Ignition SNr and washer SlWon and for 4 seconds after washer 8m turned off 2 Ground 12 volts with Ignition S W on unless wiper motor lit stop position 3eGround 12 volts with ignition S W Of and after wiper S W off UfItfi wiper motor tops Rear Wiper Motor LJ0 J t i rr Yellow Green Green Rear Washer Motor r I J Efj EB...

Страница 23: ...UP t DOWN 7 5A CD 2 VR 7 WB 1 LB 0 1 LR 5 L 3 LW Power Window Motor CD 1 2 0 LW L VR 2 2 Power Window Relav Closed with ignition S W at IG position Coil BOn l Blue L WB VW LB LR 1 4 8 3 VB VW r Sun Roof S w OIl OPEN CLOSED Ir OW Pow er Window Motor I mm Blue 4CBF 6 l 4 3 8 7 r 4 GAUG ___ H 7 5A I ...

Страница 24: ...n with ignitlon S W on and thermo SIW closed CruiS l control Maln S W offL See Yrtem No 25 CRUISE CONTROL whe n Cf1Jlse control MAIN sm is turned on OlD Thermo S w v 010 Main S W I Clo with S W pu J m Red 0 0 Solenoid IAppro Ian I YR 0 I ow E 8 E 8 0 I i I I 7 5A ...

Страница 25: ...ld Cont nuity Computet ground I 3 Ground Alway 12 volts Power for computer Ground 12 vo t with ignition 8 W lit ACe or IG po ition Power ot indication 7 GrQund 12 volts with light rontrot srw at TAIlor HEAD position Signal for dim indication 1 2 GrolJl ld 10 13 IItItts with engine running Signal f fuel I inj8ctiOfl fur voltage oorreai m 4 Ground 9 iSvotts wIth engine running I of fuel 5 GrOUl d ro...

Страница 26: ...I__ y 2 6 Closed with OOor lock S W at LOCK position 2 1 C1csed with door lock SIW at UNLOcK positio Co 30n NW g 0 Door Lock SIW 13 2 Closed with S w t medl to LOCK sldt t 2 Closed with SiW turned i _m ___ to UNLOCK side i 01 _N I Door Lock Solenoid 1 2 3 4 6 Q I i I _ _ J_____ c CD ...

Страница 27: ...iA JIB No 2 we I _ J nll W J r li j w 1 R 1 r FOG 15A w Fog Ught Relay Closed with light control 3 W at HEAD PQSltlon dimm8r S iV lit LOW position and fog lamp S Won Gr n o M _ CD Fog Lamp S W Closed with SIW turned to front I 1 1 5 0 II 11 I 7 t I I 1 0 FOG 15A ...

Страница 28: ...t L W l ________ 1 w 14 we L _ _ _ _ _ _ To Tall light Relay LOW OFF HIGH FLASH TAil Dimmer SNoI I HEAD light Control S W Head Light S w I rrM Retract Control Relay ow OR etract Control Relay Retract Relav 3 5 3 6 Cklsed with light control SM at UP TAIL or HEAD position until retract motor at up position 3 5 3 6 Closed with fight control SJW at OFF position until r etract motor at down pOsition i ...

Страница 29: ... Digital Meter CD HEAD RH UPR 15A HEAD LH UPR 15A HEAD LH LWR 15A Light Relay HEAD RTRI 7 SA ...

Страница 30: ...J at TAIL 01 HEAD PQsitirm J Ground Voltage t 1 from 0 volt to 12 vol15 as rheostat is turned ckx kwite Inspection Lamp stW Inspection lamp 1 2 Open with rheostat at clockwise stop 1 2 CIOlilld unleu rheostat at clockwisesrop Rheostat Analog Meter Digital Meter I I 1 0 I i I I G 1 6R G 1 G Iro Ii 1 ll W TlL F o anity Lamp iil x J__ AIC Control l G Glove Box LampSIW r 0 Glove Box Lamp Trip Computer...

Страница 31: ...131 Blue E3J range V Blue 1 j j 1 1 1 Digital Meter I CD0 CD p ...

Страница 32: ...lts with ighition slW at 113 pOSition and tum signal S W left or right Of with hazard S Wtm H IRear Turn Signal Lamp 8I 0 go l Q N Tum Signal and Hazard SM 1truR GH T F GrOuod Always 12volts 1 c 2 Ground 12 volts with ignition SIW OFF i at lG position I Q LEFT GY we OFF 1 ON I Front Turn Signal Lamp Y y i VIS I Q Rear Turn IH Signal Lamp Orange Q Black rLm lblJdJ Illue 8 f 1 8 1 5 0 I I I 0 Green ...

Страница 33: ...CD CD 1 l I I Digital Meter CD g HAZ HORN 15A TURN 7 5A ...

Страница 34: ...C t wIC 7do o i d H2 round 12 volts with door open and for 5 WCOM after door closed Map Lamp r floscd with S W tI Irne C 00 Interior lamp 2 Grol lnd Closedwitn b at ON OSitl n 2 1 Closed wHh S W a DOO_ position R AlV J Door Courtesy Lamp Door Courtesy S W ____________ ____M _____________ 2RW lJ l o Door Courtesy S W tCI ed with door open j I I I Back Door 8 W Back Door Lampl mo c m d Vi th b Ck o ...

Страница 35: ...I I I I J Digital Meter DOME _ 1 l 7 5A Ignition Key LIght Relay ...

Страница 36: Level S w rCTO ed with float duwnl ti Combination Meter e if g 0 8 Ii 0 0_ z il o E i l1 g 0 Ii E il 6 t iii 0 0 0 I ili tk T V1 rII L rl i I a a YR Fuel Sender Gauge Fuel Level SIW i 1 3 11 12 volts with ignition SIW on lind more fullnl T 10Q of fuel em in n g Thermistor immersed 1 3 5 6 volts with Igmtloll SIW 01 1 and less than 1 E Ii c m m l i c w y y y Oil Pressure Sender Gauge YO CD i Blu...

Страница 37: ...m 1 j DOME t m 7 SA Relay ...

Страница 38: ...F Water Temp Sender Gauge n t I I 0 165 S9fZ SO C 176 F 1 m 1r I Combination Meter Fuel Scale Change J e m l TEMP 0 2 TI tj Speed Scale Change B B Y LB cY YR To Ignition S W Terminal ST SPEED I I III Parking Brake S W IClosed with parking brakel r f L I Ilever pulled up j1 L I 1 1 i WR TIl I YR LY LB iTA1HO r I n To Rheostat To Rheostat To Cruise Control Computer and Trip Computer RW Fuel Sender G...

Страница 39: ...I I I 11 J I Q r I r GAUGE 7 M 7 SA G Light Relay ...

Страница 40: ...ter rv r j _F JIB No 2 lir o J r c W m 0 E Cl G c 1 _5A O II Il B t t If2 IWR B L t r l I J D l Clutch S W MfT I CIO tld with clutch r JI L L I pedal depressed I I lane oft SNiI 0 ortO D Pin AfT M N Q 1 I W 1M I i 1M nAW 1i iJ G 010 Relay 1 3 Open 0 0 Cancelled with vehicle speed 8 12 km h lessthan cruising speed until 4 kmfh less than cruising speed and then for 15 seconds Includes RESUMEj 1 3 Op...

Страница 41: ... STOP 15A Digital Meter ECU IG Jill r T 15A ...

Страница 42: ...y opel ll 2 0 5 Yom ldli lgl f 9 S More than 3 volts iCraJ lldng and englM running 011 4 2 6 volts Intake air temperature 2ifC SS F G 1 4 0 5 2 5 1olts cOOlant temperature SO C 176 F 95 S 6 12 volts Cnmking 10 8 9 16 VOlts 9 S 9 16voiu EFI Computer O tw Q e M I OO C I 0 ja im i m J ffi t51 t J Qlu m fl 4 f 8 G W W Circuit Opening Relay 2 1 Oosed with starter nmning or l Masuriog plate open 3 6 3O ...

Страница 43: ... Yellow i Grey Yellow Yellow Yellow li4 f5 Fsi1 Yellow EFI Main ...

Страница 44: ...m Valve I Rheo tat Heat Mode S W Vent Mode SIW e 1 t I Amplifier L 1080 Inspection Connector Solar Sensor I Ale Relay Block Black Brown Black CD Green J Green ecj Blue rrmn m iffifG9IE 15 1 I I 0 JIDl o I rn Qm m I ltmEJ 5 4 3 T 1 If d JijU4 13 12 11 9 8 1 7 a 9 111 1 4 6 6 II n 11 2 3 4 67a 2 3 m ...

Страница 45: ... 10 rn 01 GAUGE 7 5A ...

Страница 46: ...Ni Ignition key JI Wiper SfoN Oimm SIW Step Lamp J Lamp jJ IAlC Cut Relayr jl A C IW HeatH Relay J j I Cruise Contra IJ Jlrom 0 jD Computer m e 4 C garettll Lightllr j lfliper Relay J iii 1 I Con oJ H Hi Speed Rtllay 11 1j r RadiO poweJ Iay I Tum Sigoal Atnpltfler J Flasher 61 I e i r afRemote Contro J 1 nhl J I L 2 Minor S W 1J lli ffa r MFog Lamp R e ay 2 Door lo SMJ 1iiL J IfCircuit Openil lg I...

Страница 47: ... Slaok jJ lIow ...


Страница 49: ... Iat d 1 2 1 y tFw Digita WATER TEMP 2 F rcm HhiIDmM 1 01 jit8l1 0 1 WATcH TEMP SeNDER FUEL LEVEL S NOER LR LY 2 OILPRESSOI IESlW ya vl _I 2 7 51 GAUGE 2 2 fo Arn log 2 2 2 I j L J 3 2 2 ECU fG 1 or II L 3 2 3 CRUISE CONTROL UGH SfW J CRUISE CONTAOl COMPUTER 3 1511 I s roP 3 2 H A TURN I HAZARD SNI 2 3 or IN r ffi8 jj 0 LOW f RE LH we f GB 2 J INDIC rATOR I H w os 2 J RONT RH l WBQ GY 1 4 HIGH 10 ...

Страница 50: ...R SHIELD WIPER SHeR SNf l S S v CO WWER MOTOR I sm REAR I I w 1 5 2 If 2 2 y 5 6 Qw MOTOH AH 6 7 3 w 3 J All 7 2 2 2 e G A 2 8 A 2 AAOIO 2 c D 8 ...

Страница 51: ......

Страница 52: ...LG 000 Y VSV SUB OUMPEH J Fer Sub Dump d AELAY No 1 W WS hM I y B cA lR lS I Iyol LR va l CO 5 5 CY 0 L m II w g JI m R vJ Iv C f l I 1 YO 0 J HEAT MOOS S W VENT MOPE sm R IEOSTAT I 0 j Ii ye Y 0 0 11 G5 C rr I ci I l o til b r GY J 3 F G ii gii 0 I W GR II 9 IWR IGR L o SOLAR SENSOR m z 0 8 vc mia YO U 2m z I 0 III WB Z 2 il 140 l yo 0 AMBIENT THERMO SENSOA I o o III y II o 0 0 m J J j 0 ...

Страница 53: ...Prepared by TOYOTA MOTOR SALES CO LTD Oversea Technical Department Maruhl Center First Issue September 7 19B1 Publication No 98955 Printed in Japan _ _ ...
