Town Food Service Equipment Company, Inc.
718/388-5650 outside New York State 800/221-5032
The unique flavor found in Smokehouse cooked foods is a result of the marination process, moisture retention by use
of the waterpan and the smoke created by drippings of the meat during the cooking process. Other meats such as
prime rib are cooked for longer times at lower temperatures. The ribs and fowl may be soaked in a marinade 2
days prior to cooking. Our favorite marinade (adjust to taste, of course) follows. Reduce proportionately for smaller
s Marinade Sauce for 50 lbs baby back ribs (26-28 slabs)
2 gallons onion barbecue sauce
6 oz.
garlic powder
1 gallon hickory flavor barbecue sauce
3-4 oz. black pepper
6 oz. curry powder
1 oz.
chili powder
white wine (Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonay)
12 oz. soy sauce
Rinse product then marinate in a container (like a tote box) filled with this sauce and cover.
Refrigerate for the marination period.
Rib Preparation Procedure
1) Ribs are to be in slabs and not frozen.
2) Trim as necessary.
3) Score slabs on the bone/fatty side. Run a knife blade down the length of the slab (perpendicular to the
bones) 5 or 6 times.
4) Chop only 1” in from both edges between each rib. This allows the flavor to soak into the meat.
It also makes the ribs easier to separate from each other when chopping after being cooked.
5) Coat each slab of ribs with sauce and stand them on their sides (like file cards) in a tote box.
6) The tote box should have enough marinade to cover all ribs (18” x 26” x 9”).
7) After 24 hours of marinating in a cooler, rotate the ribs to insure each slab is thoroughly coated.
Return product to the cooler for the final 24 hours.
8) After 48 hours of marinating in the cooler, the ribs are ready for cooking.
9) Allow the ribs to come to room temperature only prior to cooking.
Barbecued Fowl
Fowl can be marinated in the same sauce and refrigerated as above. To cook, hang them from
or duck hooks
and suspend these hooks from skewers. Ribs and fowl can be cooked together. Barbecue time depends on product
size. Smaller fowl cook faster than ribs; game hens can be ready to serve in 20 minutes!
Peking Duck
Leave neck, head and body intact. Clean and eviscerate duck through vent, then seal vent racks, place fish in
Smokehouse and start.
Tying or sewing skin
Insert needle valve of air pump into neck between skin and neck bones to separate skin from the body with a
cushion of air. Quickly and carefully remove the air needle and tie off the neck below the opening so the
skin and body remain separated by the trapped air. Hang the duck using a #248008 duck hook. Hang the
duck and let drip according to the tradition. Cook by suspending the hooks from the upper rest only as the
lower rest will not provide enough height
Smoked Fish
Place filled optional woodchip box in unit. Place fish on the optional guides and racks in Smokehouse and start.
Cook for 15 minutes, and shut unit down, allowing the unit to smoke the fish. Cooking time varies with size and
weight of fish.
Pork Tenderloin
Trim to
lb. per section before marinating; same skewer capacity as ribs.