Toshiba TCB-SC642TLE2 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12

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Содержание TCB-SC642TLE2

Страница 1: Centralinadicontro Oadistanzaper COndizjonatored ariaditipo Plit ControIadorremotocentra暮paraaparelhode arcondicionadocomsistemasplit KeVTP Kふ丁小EXC POTnPlOY柑るIQXUPlOHEVO OTWQK人IPqT川里 l Controladorremotocentralpara acondicionadordeairedesistemasplit Centraleafstandsbedieningvoordubbel SySteemairconditioner 分体系琉空調机的中央遥控器 Pub 0ト8546435984100 爪ばTAl A 0 MA 川上 仙 U乱 1個m Mm0 爪博TA Am0 ざ A ββUC 槻 UA山FpJJ...

Страница 2: ...on lfyouhaveprobIemsorquestionsconcerningyourAirConditioner yOuWill needthefo owln9information ModelandserialnumbersareonthenamepLate Onthebottomofthecabinet ModelNo TCB SC642TLE2 SerialNo Dateofpurchase Dealer saddress Phonenumber DECLARAT10NOFCONFORMITY Thisproductismarked aSitsatisfiesEECDirectiveNo 89 336 EEC 73 23 EECand93 68 EEC ThisdeclaratjonwiIlbecomevoidincaseofmisusageand Orfromnon Obse...

Страница 3: ...nded peri od ヨ ON Safetylnstructions Readthisb00kletcarefuHybeforeuslngthiscentralcontroller lfyou StiLlhaveanydifficultiesorproblelTLS COnSultyourdealerforhelp TheairconditioneriSdesignedtogiveyoucomfortabler00rrl COnditions UsethisonlyforitsintendedpurposeasdeSCribedinthe Owner sManual 正コ CAUTJON Ol 607 03EG Nevertouchtheunitwithwethands NeveruseorstoregasolineorotherfLammablevapororliquidnear t...

Страница 4: ...llthecentralcontroIIerataheightofbetweenlandl 5metersabove thef100r Donotinsta thecentralcontrollerinaplacewhereitwiHbeexposedto directsunlightornearawindoworotherplacewhereitwillbeexposedto theoutsideair BesuretoinstaJlthecentralcontro erverticaHy suchasonawaII 3 HowtoinStallthecentralcontro er CAUT10N 巳 コ 4 DonottwistthecontroIwlrlngtO9etherwiththepowerwiringorrun itthroughthesamemetalconduit be...

Страница 5: ... レ l 宗 u r f l l 1 1 n S l 0 f o nt l u Nき 根 深 蒋 Pl at e mount i ng 1 2 1 i amet erhol es formounting HDleforelectricalwirlng Rearplate 4 85 5diameterholes tormounting Fig 1 Z View backSide lnordertomountthecentralcontroHerflushwiththewaIl anOPenfng measurIng128mmx128mmisnecessary EG 0ト607 05EG 5 AMP Air Conditioning www ampair co uk sales ampair co uk ...

Страница 6: ...calwirlng 1 Removethefourscrews10Catedonbothsidesoftherearplate 2 EithertheholeinthetopoHheeJectricaLcomponentboxorthehoIein therearplatemaybeusedtofeedtheelectricalwir ng 3 Lftheholeontopisused therearplateshouldbeturnedupsidedown 3 SecurethecentralcontrollerinpIace a Ifthecentralcontro erisbeingm untedinthenormalmanner first attachtherearplatetothewaLEuslngthescrewsandRawIplugs provided Next Pla...

Страница 7: ...uxiliary Groundforinter UnitcontroIwinng Groundforpowerwinng 2 Terminalsforremotemonitoring Al A2 A3 Bl B2 B3 Jnputforturn ngonairconditionersconcurrently lnputforturnJngOffairconditionersconcurrently Common nputforturn ngairconditionersonoroff Onoperationstatejndicatoroutput Alarmindicatoroutput Commonindicatoroutput EG AMP Air Conditioning www ampair co uk sales ampair co uk ...

Страница 8: ...rectwjringwiEldamagetheequipment Connectthecommunicationwiresoftheairconditionersshownwhichisthe Wiringempl0yedwhenuslngCentraLcontro sused Themaximum numberofairconditionerswhichcan beconnectedinone CentralcontroIsystemis64indoorunitsand160utdoorunits CenterUnits WithSuperModularMultisystem Uptotencentralcontro ersincludingothercentralcontroIunitscanbe COnneCted Refrigerant SySteml MMY Cenlraacon...

Страница 9: ...lttrminatetheconnectionoftheshieldedwiresforaIEthecentralcontroI Wires andprovideslngle POintgrounding Evenwhenconnectingthecentrallycontrolfedunittotheindoor outdoorunit COnneCtingwires terminatetheconnectionoftheshieldedwires and PrOVidesingle POintgroundjngforalHheindoor Outdoorunitconnecting Wires Leavethefinalterminationopen insurateit Centralconlro E COnlroJsystemwire AreaA Groundbothendsofl...

Страница 10: ...t tOPSCreWOnthebottomofthebackcase Whenyou OPenuPthedecorativecover yOuWi seetwonotchesunderthe COntrOlunit lnsetacoinorotherfEatobjectintothesenotchesand PryOffthebackcase ThePC boardonthebackofthecontrolunitis nowvisible AMP Air Conditioning www ampair co uk sales ampair co uk ...

Страница 11: ... nb ei n h i b j t e db y C e n t r aF c o n t r oI l er ON Re mo t ec o n t r o l mo d e S e t t i n gb yc e n t r a r c o n t r oe ri si n h i b i t e db yo t h e r c en t r a l C O n t r O l e q u J P me n t S Cen t r a l c on t r of Ma i n Su bs e l e c t i o ns wi t c h OF F Mai n ON Su b wh e nAMYa d a p t o r e t c i su s e dwi t hc e n t r a F c o n t r oE l er S e t t h es wi t c ht oONp ...

Страница 12: ... 2 O N OFF ON 1 n case ofRem ot e cont r oIm ode uSe or l n case ofZO N E 1 2 3 4 m ode ALL a 日 ndooruni t s m eans 0ne OfZO N E 1 2 3 4 1 互い C ent r alcont r oH m eans O N O FF oper at i on CannOteXeCut e by r em ot e cont r oL l er 2 司 2 C ent r alcont r o12 m eansO N O FF M O D E change Tem p set t i ng cannolbe execut ed by r em ot e cont r o er A uxi l i ar y sw i tch M ustbe sett o O FF posi...

Страница 13: ...rar COntrOller ZONEmode IndoorunitsinoneofZONE1 2 30r4canbe COntrO edbycentralcontro er 3 FunctionofcentraEcontroHerislOtypes accordingtocombinationofcentralcontroI remote COntrOlmodeandALL ZONEmodesettingasthe tablel 4 StjckthecentralcontroFLerunitlabeIina COnSPICuOuSPOSition Ol巧07 13EG H Cen什al 日 COntrOlmode Remote COntrOlmode Fig 12 Tablel Cent r alcont r ol Remot econt r ol ALL 1 ALL Cent r al...

Страница 14: ...b and C ThesemethodsarenotsupportedbytheRAVmodeIs ForRAVmodels initiatethezoneregistrationdescribedin a WaitatLeastlOminutesafterthepowerhasbeenturnedonbeforestartingto Settheaddresses ltmaytakeuptolOminutes althoughitusua ytakes3minutes toestablish initialcommunicationbetweentheindoorandoutdoorunits lftheaddresses aresetbeforethiscommunicationiscompleted thecentraladdressmayfailto besetin someoft...

Страница 15: ... 10 10 42 11 11 11 43 12 12 12 44 13 13 13 45 14 14 14 46 15 15 15 47 16 16 16 48 2 1 17 4 1 49 2 18 2 50 3 19 3 51 4 20 4 52 5 2 1 5 53 6 22 6 54 7 23 7 55 8 24 8 56 9 25 9 57 10 26 10 58 11 27 11 59 12 28 12 60 13 29 13 61 14 30 14 62 15 31 15 63 16 32 16 64 匝 1 Assig ind itadd SSeSt thedesi edp Siti nS Cent al dd eSSeS manuaHy 2 ForgroupcontroLOnlythemainindoorunitshouldbeassIgneCLSub indooruni...

Страница 16: ...s 2 Donotpress口重 button 3 Onceinthismode theUNITNo CODENo No ofSETDATAand CiidZB indicationswi flashonthedisplayasshownFig 13 rJO吋 Incaseofgroupcontrol ALLニ insteadof UNFTNo willflashonthe display Se ectthemainindoorunitaddressbypressjngthe 亘亘 buttononce 4 SetCODENo toO3usingthe 享 and l buttonsL 匝空 TheCODENo 03mustbeseIectedtoperformzoneregistrationusIng the remotecontroller 5 SettheCentraIcontror...

Страница 17: ...adyset PreSSthe匡 buttons 4 SettheunitNo Indoorunitaddress with画and 匠 buttons aCCOrdingtothezoneregistrationtable R C N〇 司button lndoorunitNo bum n 5 Pressthe 垂 button GROUPNo turnSONandUNITNo lndoorunit address changesfromflashingtoONstate UNJT No isregisteredtoselectedZONENo andGROUP No 1fyoumakemistake thenpressthe 司buttonand reselecttheZONE GROUPandUNITNo 6 RegistertheotherUNITNo inthesamewayby...

Страница 18: ...lstart 3 RegisteredGROUPNo W川bedisappeareda 4 Centraladdressw beassignedfromsmaFLindoorunitaddressto largeoneinnumerica10rderautomaticaHy Finishingautomaticzoneregistration 瞬i幽changesfromflashing toOFF 5 Iftheerrorishappened the CHECK startsflashjngandzone registrationfinjshesatthistime Pressthe 司button 6 Fina11y COmPleteautomaticzoneregistrationmodebypressingthe 田button 田jjEgflashesforafewminutes...

Страница 19: ... UOllnq Z 叫l 叫SS引d句叩Ou6咽〇叫〇由l 001ne叫l l到duoo 人目叫川叫 L6ulddeIJa 00uS aJOLflLs t2addt2S P Pue6u LJS剛SdoIS厩理田Pue6uNSt IlOINOLiJO lSO6u叫〇C〇Jl C lJtヲISlll仙6uM〇叫〇d印 八〇 Olnt u叫 一LJSel川NL圃PuealelSNO016u叫S甘IluO lSa6ueLPC〇 UOunq 司叫lSSaJd PueuOllnq 三コ 6U SSaJd qc〇 ON qO〇l〇OleS Z りSt相川仙L〇 ON 00〇Pue旬脛田 SPUO〇aS ケUtELIlaJOuJJOJ8unauJeS訓 11eSuOllnq 垂 pue aaLllSSaJd L 車 OC N〇d一g〇 〇印判u UO l〇礼UO〇 laPOujL L 叫110SuOu〇n...

Страница 20: ...i c r e l ay 還 欝 0U t Pu t A o wab l ec on t a c t V Ol t a ge C ur r en t DC 3 0V 0 5A l I T 一 3 P l l l Ou t p u t c o mmo Con t r o l i n pu t A op er a t el nP U t l l Al l o pe r a t e l cpE V l 2 4 V Pu l s ewi dt h 30 0msor t er mi na l s 0 9t o1 2 l A s t op n P u t ト 一 一 一 g ト ー A no r mal l y OP en c on t a c t Wj t hv ol t age Pu I s e P ho t oc ou pl er A s t o p ト mO r e W i r i n gl ...

Страница 21: ...tN〇 Onry 11 HowtoperFormanairconditionertestrun 1 Holddownthe匿 buttonofthecentralcontro erforatreastfourseconds Duringthetestrun TEST appearsontheLCDdispray 2 Pressthe 二田and buttons Thetemperaturecannotbeadjustedatthe TEST position DonotusethisprocedureexceptwhenperformrngatestrunsinceitwiH Strajntheequipment 3 UponcompIetionoftheoperation PreSStheCZ button andcheckthat TEST ontheLCDdisplayhasgone...
