Страница 1: ... and R011 is the MTR1 LOW WIR1 COOP HAM OIL FAIL DEMO PRESS MODE RDDDI SHOD 0011 NO 02S MT R1 AUTO a rt M M F M N AE _ t y Etc 4iew 15 5 FIR 13 O1fL IIf Advanced Features Floating Point Math Large Program Data Memory EthernetlDevi eN t Networks Active Serial ASCII Port Two Programming Languages NIS Programming Software ...
Страница 2: ...pplications The T EIT N are 2nd generation T2 CPUs The T EIT N provide a functional economical and compact solution to a wide range of OEM and user applications in automotive machine control and process control systems T2N Local l O Program Speed Max 2048 points 23 5 k steps 0 33 ps contact 12 psltransfer T2E Local I O Max 1024 points Pro gram 9 5 k steps Speed 0 33 ps contact 1 2 psltransfer ...
Страница 3: ...thernet interface 1 OBA E T Through the Et hemet the T2N can communicate with higher level controllers computer workstation et c or other PLOs with Ethernet High speed industrial LAN The T2E T2N can be connected to Toshiba s high speed industrial LANs Local Area Networks TOSLINE S20 and TOSLINE F10 The TOSLINE series are suited for real time control data linkage Through these networks the T2E T2N ...
Страница 4: ... RS 2320 interface_ The BT231 E is a card that has only the optional battery_ The T2E CPU module can hold only one option card M 31 E CM232E or BT231 E The UBA1 and the UBA2 are stand alone CPU racks expansion racks can not be connected The UB81 and the UBB2 can be used as either CPU or expansion racks When the UBB1 or UBB Is used as expansion rack only one expansion reek can be connected The BU26...
Страница 5: ... the optional mrnunicatlon cards CM231 E or CM232E on the T2E CPU The PU235N has all the P1215N functions plus Ethernet 1 OBASE T interface The PU245N has all the PU215N functlons plus Ethernet 10BASE T interface and the TOSLI 1E S20LP interface Each T2 N1 CPU module comes with a battery The T2N CPU module can be mounted only in the BU228N rack The BU266 and the BU26B can be used on for the expans...
Страница 6: ...60 mA or less T2N CPU PU215N 80O mA or less 32 points transistor output 0032 250 mA or less PU236N 1 5 A or less 64 points transistor output D0235 250 mA or less PV245N 2 0 A or Iris 12 pal nts true output AC61 300 mA or less CPU rack for T2F BU218 50 mA or less _ _ 4 channels analog input A121 50 mA or less USB2 50 mA or Less A131 50 mA or less USB1 5O rnA or Ir ss A122 50 mA or less UBA2 5f0 rnA...
Страница 7: ...s available Computer link mode T series computer Iink protocol can be used in this mode When the RS 485 is used a maximum of 32 T2EfT2Ns can be connected to a master computer By using this mode all the T2E T2N s data can be accessed by a master computer The T series PLO programming software T PDS can also be used in this configuration Master orrputer LA T2lrfT2N T2 EJT2 N Master computer T2 DT2 N ...
Страница 8: ...d and requires no special programmirtg File registers F0000 to F0031 are used for the data transfer T2E or T2N FOD00 F0015 F0016 F0031 i Framing Message e gth RS 485 1 km max T11 i I JI Micro PLO T1 Trarsrnission system Transmission code Transmission speed Inverter VF 7 Transmission speed Protocol Link cata capacity Link data update time Station No 1 Station No 2 Half duplex ASCII 30G 600 120tI 24...
Страница 9: ...I 11 ME TOSLINE S20LP 0 T2N j2N Higher level carnputerAvorkstatforn TOSLINE S20 TMIll MRIC I Fia1c In Lellige a Station HS ON Any OIDVA certified d6vins PlElime r cu ont OWN com for a complete Avg of inc isiral dmicv him other manilaotures 9 ...
Страница 10: ...ation for T2E T N N222A Fiber optic type station for T2EIT2N These station modules can be mounted in any 110 slot main or expansion rack of a T2E T2N system 64 tationa Scan transmission Remote Programming mnanitoringthroughTOSLINE 241 20 LP TOSLINE 20iS20LP A I 1 1 1 Ii 1 1I1 11 Item TOSLINE S2OLP TOSLINE 520 Topology Double loop Bus Access method Implicit token passlric Transmission speed 2 Mops ...
Страница 11: ...y DeviceNet cornpatibie products ODVA Certified are available from other manufactures The Dr1211 is a DeviceNet scanner module for the T EIT2N The DN211 can read write data to any other manufacturers OVDA certified devices such as i Q blocks Inverters including Toshiba s G2 air valve manifolds sensors etc Item j Topology Number of slaves Transmission speed Media access method Modulation method Tda...
Страница 12: ...211 rennet Not Wneo VF A5 s court led at least on9 Ramota Input Hock with lo war tion adsrosa mu51 he corjaoted Inverter VF A5 Item R0563 D0633 Module type Relay output DC output Output voltage 24 Vdc 20 240 Vac 10 max 12 to 24 Vdc 10 20 2 A point resistive 1 point Load current _ 4 A1common 16 pm nts 4 x 4 common 110 ma or less 4 Alcornmon 16 points 16 comrnon 1 fns or less _ Output points ON dela...
Страница 13: ...llers T1 T2 T2E T2N and T3 E programmingfmonitoring is not possible Built in EEPROM allows program copy between T series controllers Two display modes Normal 3 lines and 12 columns Zoom Full device description Data monitor for VO and internal registers On line data set IfO force Backlit LC display for better operation in dim light_ Program Storage Module RM102 The R1vt102 is an external memory whi...
Страница 14: ...edit screen a YYr I T 1 xi Lln PA1 911f Y 9114 7114 I V r 1 4wn 1 1 1511 hat I 5417 2411 1FI ls i 7 Ib dHFL NiF 11k MIFS 7417 h l1 857 x1110 r 5 1151 n1_Ioo 1555 1 11 05455 IF 11tH 51414 II ADIO Fl F5F LL L 1 0 A1111 10jF r 90p pIT F1 Program execution monitor SF C F _11 H M Iur _1F 15 1 1P F 1F Program execution monitor Ladder M115 111 MF15 MF11 S i 1 751 I L D I F I 1 s__ Sampling trace screen b...
Страница 15: ...c Operations FUN No Symbol 27 28 29 30 31 D 32 D 33 D 34 _ of 35 tC 35 C 37 D G 38 D C 39 U 40 U 41 DIV 44 45 46 65 66 Logical Operations FUN No l Symbol 48 AND 49 DAND 50 OR 51 DOR 52 FOR 53 DEOR 54 ENR 55 DENR 57 TAND 58 TOR 59 TEOR 60 TENR 64 TEST FUN No Symbol 68 SHRi 1 bit shift right Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Name Double word addition Double word subtraction Double word mu...
Страница 16: ... label 98 1 R Equal 132 FOR FOR NEXT loop FOR Not equal 133 NEXT FOR N1EXT loop NEB 100 Lass than 138 STOP Program execution stop 101 Less than or equEd _ 140 El Enable intem pt 1112 DL OouVie word greater than 141 DI I Disable Intenxupt 103 10 Double word greater than or equal 142 _ IRET interrupt return 104 D Double ward equal 143 WDT Watchdog timer reset 105 _ D Double word not equal 144 _ S1iZ...
Страница 17: ...sion 176 ACOS Arc cosine function 205 FIX Floating paint to hxeb poiri 177 ATAN Are tan giant lunctiim conversion EX P Exponent ai function 1 208 F Fkoatirrg poi 1 addition L17S 209 F Floating point subtraction 179 LOG Loga thm 1 210 F Floating point multiplication 211 F Floating point division Data Conversion Instructions 212 F Floating point greater than 213 F Floating point greater than or equa...
Страница 18: ... Execakion speed Program types data Link relay register File register Expanded file register Index register Retentive memory Olacklcalen d ar SRAM memory back uo Serial communication function Networks RAS Diagnosis Monitoring DebLlgging tam Program capacity Counter device register Data rogistsr Link de ricelregister 1 T2 E_ Stored program cyclic scan system S Ic steps T2N orTOSLINE S20 for TOSLINE...
Страница 19: ...en power terminals and ground terminal 500 Vac 1 minutes between power terminals and ground terminal 0 to 55 G operation 20 to 75 C storage I 20 to 90 v lo no condensation i 006 V p r11 is 99 336 EEC EMC directive 16 7 Hz 3 mm p p 3 mutually perpendicular axes 98 m s 10 g 3 shocks per axis 3 mutually perpendicular axes U L c UL CE i 13U228ht BU218 3 1 366 0 366 0 W2 380 0 380 0 W1 394 O 394 0 VV3 ...
Страница 20: ...tput Item D031 DO 32 D D235 D0233P l Module type 1 DC output currant sink DC output current source Output voltage 5 to 24 Vdc 10f 5 5 to 24 Vdc 10 12 to 24 Vdc 10 Load current I Alpoint 12124 V 0 3 Alpaint 5 4 1 2 A14 points 0 1 Alpoint 12124 V I 13 1 A point 12 24 V 0 02 Arpoint 5 V 0 05 Alpoint 5 V 1 Alpoint 12 24 V 1 2 Af4 points Output points I 16 points 161common 32 points 64 points 4 x 8 com...
Страница 21: ...voltage Pulse output 12 124 Vdc 10 mA CW and CCW Pulse arrd Direction Output vo taga Parameters 5 to 24 Vdc 50 MA Acceleration deceleration rate backlash compensa t ron atc Parameter backup EEPROM Analog Output Item _ A031 A022 A032 Output range 1 to 5Vf4to20mAf 1 to 5 V f 4 to 20 mA 10to1OV 0to5Vf0to10V Load impedance 5 V range 5 kO or more 10 V range 10 kfz or more 1 to 5 V 5 kQ 4 to 20 rnA or m...
Страница 22: ... 1 B paints 200 to 240 Vac 6 mA IN61 EX0 MII N61 ReI y output 12 points 24 Vdci2401Tac 2 Alpoint 8061 EX1O M R061 6 points isolated 24 Vdc1240 Vac 2 Appoint R062 1 X10 M 062 DC output 16 points 5 to 24 Vdc 1 A point D031 EX10 M 0031 32 points 5 to 24 Vdc 0 1 Apaint connector DO 32 EX10 MD 2 64 points 5 to 24 Vda 0 1 Appoint cor1necko D0235 7D0 35 16 pts 12 to 24 Vdc Y iipoint current source D0233P...
Страница 23: ... for t PGS or S LS Miscellaneous Empty slot cover RS 232Cl RS 185 converter Spare battery Type CARS EX10 CAR3 CARS E tO CARS CART E X1 o CAR7 CS2RF TCS2RF T PD TMt033f1ss T PDS Win TMW33E15S HP911 THP911 S S_ SMM231 S S L Win SMW23EtGS RM102 TRM102 S CJ905 TCJ955 CS EX 10 Af3P1 ADP 623 78 EX25FAf P 37E E 25SER6 Part number Quality is a religion at Toshiba Quality starts at the very basic level the...
Страница 24: ...s are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Elhernet s e registered trademark of Xerox Coopcsaiaon DwerriC N t i a irvlernark pi the Open deviaeNet mender Aseacletion Inc For further information Rlease ccwtact your riearerlri Toshiba Represer talrveor International Operations Prod icerisoods Tho data yliwen in this brochure are EubjecII to Change WitRiOUt notice TOORDA It1w 41hphN Yeeh1hp...