Starting Net Server
Net Server Installation Guide 10/06
Go to the NetServer services tab, right click on the LVL2OAI service and select Show Service
Window. When the Level2 Service is displayed, select the Devices tab. This table can be
populated automatically by clicking the Synch Table with Switch. A checkbox called
Automatic Synch every Midnight is available to automatically each day at midnight.
The automatic update can cause data in the table to change, thus creating some
unexpected results.
The Keyset Type and Display Type are not received from the PBX and need to be set
manually. The User Name field will be set if the Display Name were defined for the station in
the PBX. These may need to either added or changed to meet your needs. When changes are
made to these fields, it is recommended that the Automatic Update every Midnight remain
unchecked in order not to overwrite the data in the fields.