Q7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
ASD Number
Comm Settings
ASD Number
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by
assigning an identification (ID) number to each ASD in the communications
The communications network includes other ASDs and Host/Control computers
that monitor the status of the ASD(s), transfers commands, and loads or
modifies the parameter settings of the ASD.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (Off then On)
for the changes to take effect.
Note: Valid address numbers for this parameter are 1–247. The
default setting is 0. The default setting must be changed to a
valid setting to use this parameter. Otherwise an Invalid
Address error is returned.
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
ASD Switching Wait Time
Utility Group
ASD Typeform
This parameter determines the amount of time that the drive will wait before
outputting a signal to the motor once the switch-to-drive-output criteria has
been met.
Parameter Type — Read-Only
Factory Default — (ASD-dependent)
Changeable During Run — No
ASD Typeform
Utility Group
ASD Typeform
This parameter is read-only and displays the current typeform configuration of
the ASD.
Parameter Type — Read-Only
Factory Default — (ASD-dependent)
Changeable During Run — No
Autotune Control
Motor Settings
Autotune Control
When enabled via the
parameter, this parameter sets the
Autotune command status.
(Autotune) Disabled
Reset (Motor) Defaults
Enable (Autotune) on Run Command
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No